• I am creating a website which will have no posts. It will only have pages. The problem is that there are two pages which need to be paginated with page breaks. Unfortunately, page break is not working on pages. When I am inserting <!–nextpage–> tag, the text after the tag are becoming invisible. Only the texts above the tag are showing.

    Please help me to resolve this issue and make <!–nextpage–> tag work even on pages.

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  • Hi,

    You will have to add <?php wp_link_pages(); ?> in page.php after <?php the_content(); ?>

    Please refer to this thread for the details.

    Use template overriding of page.php in a child theme.

    Thank you

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Denzel Chia.
    Thread Starter Sankalan


    Unfortunately Denzel, this is not working.

    Actually what’s happening is that even before I made this edit to page.php, using pagebreak option was creating pages. It is just that the pagination was not showing.

    What I mean is that say my page has the url


    When I am using the pagebreak, I can’t see any paignation BUT,

    when I am using this url:


    the other page is showing up with the rest of the text below the <!–nextpage–> tag.

    I need this pagination to show up. It is not showing.

    However, that pagination is showing for long post where I always use pagebreak tag and it works like a charm.

    Did I explain myself well enough?

    Can you help Denzel? It will be really great if you can help.

    PS: I have done the following:

    1. Installed the plugin WP-PageNavi — nothing happened
    2. Deactivate all plugins and then reactivate one at a time to see if any plugin is causing this problem — nothing to complain about
    3. Cleared browser cache, cleared website cache, opened website in incognito of Chrome and Firefox — nothing happened.

    The result is same… I cannot see pagination in the page.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Sankalan.


    Please check your custom css. It could be hiding your pagination.

    Thank you


    This user has managed to get his wp page navi plugin to work in page.php
    You may want to refer to this thread as reference.


    Thank you

    Thread Starter Sankalan


    Yes, it worked. I wonder what will happen when the theme gets updated. I will have to add that chunk of code again to page.php.

    Denzel, can you please tell me a way to make this change permanent. I think you will suggest working with child theme but I don’t have any knowledge of coding. So, it will be great if you can just tell me the steps that I need to follow.

    Thanks in advance.


    Use this plugin to create a child theme.

    Activate your child theme.

    Use your FTP to upload the modified page.php into your child theme folder

    Your WordPress will load page.php from your child theme, instead of loading page.php from
    Hueman Theme.

    This is call template overriding.

    For every Hueman theme update, you need to check whether Hueman Theme has any changes to it’s page,php, you will have to make the necessary updates if there is any.

    That’s all I can provide regarding child theme.
    It’s a large topic which cannot be covered in a few sentences.

    Thank you

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