• Hi all I am new to wordpress but am loving it! and learning all the time, my php is pretty good as is my html/css.

    I thought I would share with the world the simple fix for page attributes and why this goes missing when using or building a theme.

    Whilst building my own theme I noticed that I could not assign a page a template whilst when using the defualt theme I could… so what was missing…

    Simply open any theme page (using notepad, dreamweaver) ie. index.php from your theme and add these lines at the top of the page;
    (Don’t worry you don’t need to know HTML or PHP) just copy the below and paste

    <?php /*
    Template Name: Index //this is the name which will appear in the list change as suits ie. if contact page Contact.
    */ ?>

    That’s it, do this to each template page you want to appear and job done! making sure you change the Index to suit.

    Hope that helps

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  • Probably unrelated: Whelp, I re-activated my store-bought theme and presto, theme options returned.



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