Hmmm… if this forum is deserted because everyone is using Joomla and PHP Nuke again, I might just as well start by blog here? What a great idea!
What a day
When I woke up this morning and stepped out of my bed, I noticed that my cat, Mister Stimpy puked next to my bed again. As usual, I noticed to late, by stepping in Mister Stimpy’s vomit. After breakfast I stept on my bicycle. I did not notice the bird crap on my bicycle seat, until my colleges at the cheese sandwich factory asked my if I crapped my pants again. Lunch was boring, after 30 years at the factory I don’t think I like cheese sandwiches that much anymore. Cheese sandwiches reminds me of my ex, she always smelled like cheese in a certain private place.
Dinner was horrible and the movie sucked
Dinner was terrible, I used sugar instead of salt on my roasted cheese sandwiches again. After dinner I needed to relax, so I rented Lord of the Rings online. After 2 hours I found it was a different movie, Lord of the Strings. It wasn’t bad but Smigel did some really disgusting things that made my sick to my stomach.
Going to bed
After stepping in Mister Stimpy’s vomit again this morning, I decided not to give him anymore cheese sandwiches before we go to bed.
While writing this on my Blackberry PlayBook tablet thing, I am very happy that I finally have a real personal blog! No more worrying about themes, plugins, hosting and community support. rules.
See you all tomorrow, my dear followers!