Viewing 10 replies - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)
  • Plugin Support Senff


    Hi @bowis

    In some cases, it might help to “reset” the permalinks in your site.

    To do this, go to Settings → Permalinks, change the setting under “Common Settings” and Save. Next, change it back to how it was, and save again.

    Let us know if that works!

    Thread Starter bowis


    @senff thank you for the reply, I did this, however it did not result in anything, still getting the 404.

    Plugin Support fevered – a11n


    Hey there,

    Could you please share a copy of your site’s System Status? You can find it via WooCommerce > Status.
    Select “Get system report” and then “Copy for support”.? Once you’ve done that, paste it here in your response.

    Thread Starter bowis


    ### WordPress Environment ###
    WordPress address (URL):
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    ### Server Environment ###
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    ### Post Type Counts ###
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    page: 22
    post: 1
    product: 495
    revision: 828
    shop_order: 42
    shop_order_refund: 1
    wpcf7_contact_form: 2
    ### Security ###
    Secure connection (HTTPS): ?
    Hide errors from visitors: ?
    ### Active Plugins (31) ###
    Clever Addons for Elementor: door CleverSoft – 2.0.6
    Child Theme Generator: door Serafino Corriero – 2.2.6
    Clever Addons: door Zootemplate – 1.0.0
    Clever Layered Navigation: door  – 1.3.2 – Ge?nstalleerde versie niet getest met actieve versie van WooCommerce 4.2.2
    Clever Mega Menu Pro for Elementor: door CleverSoft – 1.0.0
    Clever Swatches: door – 2.1.4 – Ge?nstalleerde versie niet getest met actieve versie van WooCommerce 4.2.2
    Codefragmenten: door Code Snippets Pro – 2.14.0
    Contact Form 7: door Takayuki Miyoshi – 5.2
    OnepathDTPlugin: door Corné Steenbakkers
    Boris Winter – 1.0.0 – Ge?nstalleerde versie niet getest met actieve versie van WooCommerce 4.2.2
    Google Tag Manager for WordPress: door Thomas Geiger – 1.11.4
    Elementor Pro: door – 2.10.3
    Elementor: door – 2.9.13
    Enhanced E-commerce for Woocommerce store: door Tatvic – 2.3.4 – Ge?nstalleerde versie niet getest met actieve versie van WooCommerce 4.2.2
    Loco Translate: door Tim Whitlock – 2.4.0
    Mailchimp voor WooCommerce: door MailChimp – 2.4.1 – Ge?nstalleerde versie niet getest met actieve versie van WooCommerce 4.2.2
    MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress: door ibericode – 4.7.8
    Meta Box: door – 5.3.2 themes and plugins: door – 0.6.2
    WooCommerce Sisow Betaal Opties: door Sisow – 5.5.0 – Ge?nstalleerde versie niet getest met actieve versie van WooCommerce 4.2.2
    TM WooCommerce Product API Link: door Manish – 1.1.0 – Ge?nstalleerde versie niet getest met actieve versie van WooCommerce 4.2.2
    Onder constructie: door WebFactory Ltd – 3.80
    W3 Total Cache: door BoldGrid – 0.14.2
    WooCommerce Product Feed: door WebAppick – 3.6.10 – Ge?nstalleerde versie niet getest met actieve versie van WooCommerce 4.2.2
    Woo Align Buttons: door 320up – 3.6.5 – Ge?nstalleerde versie niet getest met actieve versie van WooCommerce 4.2.2
    Multi Currency for WooCommerce: door VillaTheme – – Ge?nstalleerde versie niet getest met actieve versie van WooCommerce 4.2.2
    WooCommerce Admin: door WooCommerce – 1.2.4 – Ge?nstalleerde versie niet getest met actieve versie van WooCommerce 4.2.2
    WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips: door Ewout Fernhout – 2.5.2 – Ge?nstalleerde versie niet getest met actieve versie van WooCommerce 4.2.2
    WooCommerce Services: door Automattic – 1.23.2 – Ge?nstalleerde versie niet getest met actieve versie van WooCommerce 4.2.2
    WooCommerce: door Automattic – 4.2.2 (update naar versie 4.3.0 is beschikbaar)
    Wordfence Security: door Wordfence – 7.4.9
    Yoast SEO: door Team Yoast – 14.4.1
    ### Inactive Plugins (2) ###
    Performance Cache: door – 0.2.2
    Visual Composer: door – 28.0
    ### Dropin Plugins (1) ###
    advanced-cache.php: advanced-cache.php
    ### Settings ###
    API Enabled: –
    Force SSL: –
    Currency: EUR (€)
    Currency Position: left_space
    Thousand Separator: .
    Decimal Separator: ,
    Number of Decimals: 2
    Taxonomies: Product Types: external (external)
    grouped (grouped)
    simple (simple)
    variable (variable)
    Taxonomies: Product Visibility: exclude-from-catalog (exclude-from-catalog)
    exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search)
    featured (featured)
    outofstock (outofstock)
    rated-1 (rated-1)
    rated-2 (rated-2)
    rated-3 (rated-3)
    rated-4 (rated-4)
    rated-5 (rated-5)
    Connected to –
    ### WC Pages ###
    Winkelbasis: #6 - /winkel/
    Winkelmand: #7 - /winkelmand/
    Afrekenen: #8 - /afrekenen/
    Mijn account: #9 - /mijn-account/
    Algemene voorwaarden: #4247 - /terms-conditions/
    ### Theme ###
    Name: Cerato Child
    Version: 1.0.5
    Author URL:
    Child Theme: ?
    Parent Theme Name: Cerato
    Parent Theme Version: 1.0.5
    Parent Theme Author URL:
    WooCommerce Support: ?
    ### Templates ###
    Overrides: cerato/woocommerce/cart/cart-totals.php
    cerato/woocommerce/cart/cart.php versie 3.5.0 is verouderd. De hoofdversie is 3.8.0
    cerato/woocommerce/cart/mini-cart.php versie 3.5.0 is verouderd. De hoofdversie is 3.7.0
    cerato/woocommerce/checkout/review-order.php versie 3.3.0 is verouderd. De hoofdversie is 3.8.0
    cerato/woocommerce/global/quantity-input.php versie 3.6.0 is verouderd. De hoofdversie is 4.0.0
    cerato/woocommerce/myaccount/form-login.php versie 3.6.0 is verouderd. De hoofdversie is 4.1.0
    cerato/woocommerce/single-product/add-to-cart/grouped.php versie 3.4.0 is verouderd. De hoofdversie is 4.0.0
    /home/zwenk/domains/ versie 2.0.3 is verouderd. De hoofdversie is 3.5.5
    cerato/woocommerce/single-product/clever-swatches-image.php versie 2.0.0 is verouderd. De hoofdversie is 3.5.1
    cerato/woocommerce/single-product/tabs/tabs.php versie 2.4.0 is verouderd. De hoofdversie is 3.8.0
    Outdated Templates: ?
    						Leer hoe te updaten
    ### Action Scheduler ###
    Afgerond: 735
    Oldest: 2020-06-13 15:58:39 +0000
    Newest: 2020-07-14 14:53:47 +0000
    In afwachting: 1
    Oldest: 2020-07-14 15:44:18 +0000
    Newest: 2020-07-14 15:44:18 +0000
    Plugin Contributor Niels Lange


    Hello @bowis,

    Could you also post a screenshot of your permalink settings? You could upload the screenshot to your site and then place the link here. Have you adjusted the category base by any chance?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Niels Lange.
    Thread Starter bowis


    @nielslange here’s the permalink:

    Additionally, I found this piece of code in my functions.php:

    add_filter('request', function( $vars ) {
       global $wpdb;
       if( ! empty( $vars['pagename'] ) || ! empty( $vars['category_name'] ) || ! empty( $vars['name'] ) || ! empty( $vars['attachment'] ) ) {
          $slug = ! empty( $vars['pagename'] ) ? $vars['pagename'] : ( ! empty( $vars['name'] ) ? $vars['name'] : ( !empty( $vars['category_name'] ) ? $vars['category_name'] : $vars['attachment'] ) );
          $exists = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT t.term_id FROM $wpdb->terms t LEFT JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy tt ON tt.term_id = t.term_id WHERE tt.taxonomy = 'product_cat' AND t.slug = %s" ,array( $slug )));
          if( $exists ){
             $old_vars = $vars;
             $vars = array('product_cat' => $slug );
             if ( !empty( $old_vars['paged'] ) || !empty( $old_vars['page'] ) )
                $vars['paged'] = ! empty( $old_vars['paged'] ) ? $old_vars['paged'] : $old_vars['page'];
             if ( !empty( $old_vars['orderby'] ) )
                $vars['orderby'] = $old_vars['orderby'];
             if ( !empty( $old_vars['order'] ) )
                $vars['order'] = $old_vars['order']; 
       return $vars; 

    If I delete this code, all the categories in the menu do not work anymore.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by bowis.
    Plugin Support Senff


    It’s possible that this may be caused due to a theme conflict, or a third-party plugin. I’d recommend to perform a full conflict test to isolate the source of the issue

    The best way to determine if the issue is being caused by a theme and/or plugin is to do the following:

    – Temporarily switch your theme back to a default?theme, such as Storefront (
    – Disable all plugins except for WooCommerce.
    – Clear your browser cache, and the cache on your site if you have one there.
    – Test to see if the issue has been resolved.

    If that resolves the issue, then one-by-one you can switch back your theme and re-enable your plugins, testing in between, until the problem appears again. This will then give you an idea about which plugin is the one causing the conflict.

    Thread Starter bowis


    Tested it, did not make any difference

    Plugin Support kellymetal a11n


    Hi there,

    In your permalink settings, it appears you have a . entered in the Product Category Base field — please try changing that to something else (i.e. product-category, or test) and see if that makes a difference with your subcategory pages.

    Plugin Support fevered – a11n


    Hey there, since we haven’t heard back from you in awhile I’ll mark this thread as resolved now. If you have any further questions, I recommend creating a new thread.

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