Home / Themes and Templates / P2 limitations?
15 years, 9 months ago
Has anyone notices any limitations on how many authors can use P2?
15 years, 8 months ago
We’re using it with around 30 people. It’s been used for larger installations though. How many users are you looking to have?
We have over 1000 members without problem at the moment..
15 years, 7 months ago
One P2 limitation is you can’t just simply post a link, or your post starts with a link. It’s because the title grabs the first “how many” characters of the post as the title, and wordpress doesn’t like it that the title starts with http.
Thanks to all who responded.
leventyilmaz: Wow, 1000 members?! That’s very encouraging news. Thanks!
noel: I’m also hoping to reach the 1000+ member mark at some point.
My plan will be to reach hundreds of thousands…… someday…. ahhh…. dreamin’ is good.