ownership of blogs.dir folders
When WP Multisite is enabled, the media files are stored in subfolders of blogs.dir with the file structure: blogs.dir/blog_id_number/files/year/month/filename.xxx.
The sub folders of blogs.dir all have ownership set so that a typical FTP client can’t upload to those folders, although uploading files via WP works just fine.
My problem with this state of affairs is that it makes it impossible to restore (in case of disaster) because the FTP client can’t move files into folders whose ownership is set the way WP sets it when blogs.dir is created.
So, my questions are:
1. Can the user:group ownership of these folders be safely changed to something else? If so, what?
2. If not, is there a workaround so that files CAN move moved into these folders in another way besides an FTP client?
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