• Resolved Anonymous User 13889996


    Please, add the ability to change the URL shortener of “WP.me” module to a custom domain, as “Bitly Official WordPress Plug-in” does.

    For example, I own the “pablofa.in” domain that points to pablofain.com blog.

    Maybe you can interact with Bit.ly or other service or just add this function to JetPack.

    Thanks for your help!



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  • Plugin Author Brandon Kraft


    Code Wrangler

    Hi Pablo,

    Thanks for the feedback. While we don’t have this on the roadmap for Jetpack, if you use bit.ly or a different service, you can use that short URL with Jetpack.

    Jetpack builds upon and users WordPress’ wp_get_shortlink, so if the WP.me shortlinks module is deactivated and you’re using a plugin that sets shortlinks for a post, the other features of Jetpack that uses a shortlink will use your custom ones.


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