• My mission is to overwrite the default post category.
    On the page where i can create a new post i have the parent ID in the URL like ?vis=92
    Then i want to make a function, so i can add the category related to the parent ID, to the new post.
    It means that i will overwrite the default category.
    Any ideas how this function should look like?

    I know its a wp subject now. Maybe i should move it to the wp forum?

Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 27 total)
  • Moderator bcworkz


    Use the ‘wp_terms_checklist_args’ filter to set the “selected_cats” arg to an array of category term IDs you want checked. Normally we need to be concerned about altering other calls to the function which don’t relate to the current situation. I’m unsure if it’s even used in many other places. Anyway, if the “vis” URL parameter does not exist, do nothing. That should cover any other situations.

    Since your other topic in the plugin support forum hasn’t been answered, to keep further replies in one place, I’m removing that other topic from public view.

    Thread Starter michaelgoal


    I don’t have much experience with wp and functions. I have though some experience with more simple php and MySql.
    I have studied this case for several hours now and unfortunately i cant solve this problem.
    If it was my own program it would not be a big problem, because i know how to get a variable from a URL and how to read and write to a database and so on, but when it comes to functions and the way that wp is build im a big question.
    Can you help with the code or know someone i can pay to do this for me? ??
    I have spent enough days just for this question now.

    Moderator bcworkz


    You have reasonable PHP skills, I think you can manage this if pointed in the right direction. If you’re not familiar with WP filter hooks, get more familiar, it’s an important concept in customizing WP.

    That article is oriented towards plugin development, but filter hooks also work from a theme’s (preferably child theme’s) functions.php file.

    We want to alter the arguments passed to wp_terms_checklist(), which core code uses to output the category checklist. On the linked docs page, note the “selected_cats” arg, that’s the one we want to alter through a filter. Look at the function’s source code, specifically where the ‘wp_terms_checklist_args’ filter is applied (line 102).

    Your filter callback in this case is passed two parameters, the $args, $post_id in the apply_filters() call. Filter callbacks must always return the first parameter passed whether it had been changed or not. What your callback returns in this case is what gets assigned to $params by way of theapply_filters() call. What happens after that isn’t important to understand in achieving your goal. After you alter the passed $args through your filter callback, it’d be as if the $args were passed to the function from the onset, but without needing to alter the actual function call. Thus there’s no need to alter the original core code. Altering core code is strenuously discouraged.

    Your callback can get URL parameters in the usual manner, from $_GET['vis']. You need the category term IDs from that post. Use wp_get_post_categories(). To only get term IDs (you normally get an array of term objects), pass ['fields'=>'ids',] as the $args parameter (for all possible values in $args, they’re listed here).

    Assign the returned array of IDs to the “selected_cats” array element of the $args array passed to your callback, then return the modified array. You’ll want to eventually include code in your callback to deal with unexpected situations like no “vis” URL parameter or the referenced post not having any terms assigned.

    A lot of words, but you’ll find the resulting code is relatively short. Happy coding ??

    If you can’t be bothered with all of that, you could hire someone from https://jobs.wordpress.net/ or https://jetpack.pro/. If you should receive unsolicited offers of paid assistance as a consequence of this topic, I urge you to ignore them. There’s too much of a chance they don’t have your best interests at heart.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by bcworkz. Reason: typo
    Thread Starter michaelgoal


    Thank you very much, i really appreciate your help !
    Im trying to follow your instructions and so far i have this:

    function wp_terms_checklist( $post_id = 0, $args = array() ) {
    If $_GET['vis']== 92 {
    $params = apply_filters( 'wp_terms_checklist_args', $args, $post_id );
    $args['selected_cats'] = array('taxonomy'     => $taxonomy);

    I dont know how to assign the term_id, but i know that it should be:

    How do i get these terms assigned to the post ?
    And can you tell me if im on the track with my code ? ??

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by bcworkz. Reason: code fixed
    Moderator bcworkz


    Where did you place that code? It kind of looks like you modified template.php in core code. If so, don’t do that. Never alter core code. Custom code belongs in your own plugin or functions.php of your theme (preferably child theme if your theme is subject to updates)

    You don’t apply filters, WP does that. You add filters for WP to apply with add_filter(). Something like

    add_filter('wp_terms_checklist_args', 'my_cats_selected', 10, 2 );
    function my_cats_selected( $args, $id ) {
      // if "vis" is not set, return $args unchanged
      // with the "vis" post ID, get that post's cat term IDs
      // if there are terms, assign to $args['selected_cats']
      return $args;

    I leave the proper coding of the comments to you. Add your code in small increments and test frequently. Echoing out debug data to verify that your code is doing what it should is not always that reliable for backend related code. If echoing doesn’t appear on the page, you can use error_log() to send debug data to the error log. Then examine the log file to check the results. Alternately, I’ve seen others use wp_mail() to have debug data emailed to themselves.

    To be clear, this doesn’t explicitly assign terms to the post, it pre-selects terms in the editor’s categories meta box. Users still can change selections prior to saving. There’s more code involved if you want to force the assignments when the post is saved. When the post is saved, the “vis” URL parameter no longer exists. The value would need to be placed somewhere where it will persist through to the save process.

    When you post code in these forums, please use the code button or demarcate with backticks. When you don’t do so, the forum’s parser will corrupt your code, making it difficult for others to test it or use it in related examples. I fixed the code in your last reply for you so that it appears like it’s supposed to be.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by bcworkz. Reason: code was missing a semi-colon
    Thread Starter michaelgoal


    Yes now i can see its something from core code.
    I use child themes function.php , so far so good.
    My idea was actually that users shouldnt be able to change the category, but if its a big thing to code, i can live with this. Maybe i can write a comment at the page about not to change category.

    Now i have this, what do you think ?:

    add_filter('wp_terms_checklist_args', 'my_cats_selected', 10, 2 );
    function my_cats_selected( $args, $id ) {
        if (empty($_GET)) {return;}
        // with the "vis" post ID, get that post's cat term IDs
        else if $_GET['vis']== '92'
    	{ $taxonomy = 'category';
    	  $selected_cats = '24';
    	  $kat_id=24; //term_id
        // if there are terms, assign to $args['selected_cats']
    	$args = array(
            'selected_cats'         => 24,
            'taxonomy'              => 'category'
        return $args;
    Moderator bcworkz


    Much improved ?? However…
    Line 3 – (if empty return) You need to return $args unchanged. I believe there are other args that need to persist from the original meta box code. Even if not, we should assume args from something is set for good reason which should be maintained to the extent possible.

    Lines 6-10 – (else if vis == 92 etc.) The values assigned are not used, so there’s not much point to this code as it is. I was assuming you don’t know ahead of time what cats are assigned to the vis post. If you know what cats you want, and only set them when vis is a certain post, you merely need to verify the vis value, and if correct, assign term IDs to “selected_cats”

    Lines 13-16 – (assign values to $args) This is happening regardless of what value is passed as vis. Maybe that’s what you want, but then why check if vis == 92? Perhaps the assignment to $args should be part of the conditional statement?

    You’re overriding anything passed from the original code by assigning to the entire $args array. You should only assign to the “selected_cats” array element. I’m not sure what your actual intent is, but I think something more like this is what you might want:

    else if ( '92' == $_GET['vis']) {
       $args['selected_cats'] = array( 24, );
    return $args;

    “selected_cats” is supposed to be an array, even if an array of one element.

    In equivalency checks like '92' == $_GET['vis'], it’s recommended that the literal value (92) always be on the left side of the equation and the variable be on the right. A common blunder is to accidentally use assignment = instead of equivalency ==. With the literal on the left, this throws an error if an assignment is attempted, so you will examine the code and hopefully see the problem. In the other way around $_GET['vis'] == '92', if one accidentally used assignment =, there would be no error, but the value 92 will be assigned to $_GET[‘vis’] whether that’s the correct value or not. When correctly coded, it doesn’t matter which way they go. But putting literals on the left can help prevent difficult to find errors. You don’t have to do this, but it’s considered good practice.

    Forcing the cat to be ID 24 isn’t a “big thing” in my estimation, it’s just more complicated since the passed vis value is no longer available at the time it’s appropriate to force a category assignment. We’d need to set the vis value as a hidden field or something we’re able to check for when the post is saved. It’s also tricky to attempt to alter the selected categories after the edit form is submitted, but before the selected categories are saved to the database. It’s probably easier to wait until after everything is saved, then unset anything that was set earlier, then set the category term to the one you actually want. The “save_post” action can be used for this.

    Thread Starter michaelgoal


    Thanks ??
    Nice that you can help with this !

    Now i have this:

    add_filter('wp_terms_checklist_args', 'my_cats_selected', 10, 2 );
    function my_cats_selected( $args, $id ) {
      $post = get_post($id);  // dont know if this is neccesary
      if ( '92' == $_GET['vis']) {
       $args['selected_cats'] = array( 24, );
      return $args;

    But still, with or without line 3, after submitting i get the dafault category.
    I think that $args will now return unchanged if $_GET[‘vis’] is not 92 with my code.

    Yes i know which category is assigned to the post when i know $_GET[‘vis’]
    Hmmm its really difficult to see right now whats wrong with the code..

    Thread Starter michaelgoal


    I have also tried with this code but still without luck:

    function save_suggestions_term( $post_id ) {
      if ( '92' == $_GET['vis']) {
      // name of your category.
      $suggestion_term = 'Loeb';
      $taxonomy = 'category'; // The name of the taxonomy the term belongs in
      wp_set_post_terms( $post_id, array($suggestion_term), $taxonomy ); }
    add_action( 'save_post', 'save_suggestions_term' );
    Moderator bcworkz


    Lets abandon the checklist args approach if the save post scheme is what you want. It’s just more coding and corresponding learning opportunities, right? ?? Before moving on though, FYI you don’t need the entire post object from get_post() to get post terms, you just need the post ID. Plus, if you know you want term 24 set, you don’t even directly need the post ID. You only need to verify the ID value is 92, the value is not otherwise used.

    On to save post action hook. Categories are hierarchical, so you need to pass the term ID as an array, not the term name. (child terms under different branches can have the same name, so there’s possible ambiguity in names)

    $_GET[‘vis’] is never set when the post is submitted, it was only set when the editor was loaded. You need another action hook and callback, this time for ‘block_editor_meta_box_hidden_fields’ (it took some digging to find that one, it’s new to me as well), assuming you use the block editor. Have your callback check for $_GET[‘vis’], and if it’s set, output a hidden field with a unique name and its value set to that of $_GET[‘vis’]. Then over at “save_post” callback, the value set there will be in $_POST[‘whatever-the-hidden-field-name-is’]

    Thread Starter michaelgoal


    I dont use the block editor. I really dont know what it is.
    Most frustrating thing about this is that i know exactly what your idea is, and how to implement it if i coded my own PHP way.
    I would then be a hidden field in a post form, and when submitted i could save it.
    But here im too confused about which action, which variables and so i have to bring in.
    But this is really an important functionality on my website so i have to go on working with this. Im not giving up on it!

    I will do this, and im kind of blind coding ?? but at least i will give it at try :

    add_action( 'block_editor_meta_box_hidden_fields', 'add_cat', 10, 1 );
    function add_cat($post) {
     if ('92'= $_GET[‘vis’]) {
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="term_id" value="loeb">';
    function save_cat($_POST) {
     $_POST[term_id] = 'Loeb';   //if 92'= $_GET[‘vis’] i know that the category is "Loeb"
    add_action( 'save_post', 'save_cat' );
    Moderator bcworkz


    Block editor == Gutenberg == default editor since v5.0, does that help? Some prefer the “classic” (aka tinyMCE) editor, which uses a different, similar hook. Others prefer “page builder” editors. I’ve no idea how to add a hidden field to those.

    That’s a good effort! Well done! Not perfect though. You have $_GET[‘vis’]. The “curly” quotes are causing a syntax error, be sure to always use the “straight kind”: $_GET['vis']. Also see below about the use of = vs. ==.

    Not too important, but FYI, you don’t need the 10, 1 parameters when you only collect one passed value ($post) because those are the default parameters. For that matter, you don’t really need to collect $post if you’re not going to use it. It is not incorrect to do either one, just not necessary.

    While I’m being pedantic, try to be consistent where you place add_action() calls — before or after the related callback declaration. PHP doesn’t care where, but for the sake of easily readable code you should do one or the other consistently. I prefer on top, but below is probably more common and more “proper” because in some programming languages you cannot reference a function until after it has been declared. However, PHP doesn’t care and I think it’s easier to read on top.

    Now, about save_cat(). You’re just assigning the value “Loeb” to the $_POST array, overwriting the value passed from the form. What you want to do is compare the two in an if() statement. Check the comparison with the equivalence operator ==, do not assign with =. Before doing that though, you have to first check if the array element exists, otherwise it triggers a non-fatal PHP warning.

    In this case, because “term_id” should only be set when “vis” was passed as “92”, just checking if the array element exists is really enough, verifying its value isn’t really necessary. If “term_id” is set, then you want to call wp_set_post_terms(). However, you need to specify the term to set by its ID (24 I believe) and not its name, because category is a hierarchical taxonomy and child terms can have the same name, so specifying by name could be ambiguous. IDs are always unique.

    Don’t despair! You’re very close to getting this right. It’s always a struggle at first. It does get easier with practice.

    Thread Starter michaelgoal


    I dont really know what im doing..
    Its a long long shot ??
    I guess i have to use the Gutenberg editor plugin ?
    There are a lot of plugins, which one ? ??
    Do i really need to use this plugin..Isnt possible just to insert a value, term_id, in the database. and delete it again ?

    add_action( 'block_editor_meta_box_hidden_fields', 'add_cat', 10, 1 );
    function add_cat($post) {
     if ('92'== $_GET['vis']) {
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="term_id" value="24">';
    add_action( 'save_post', 'save_cat' );
    function save_cat() {
     if ($_POST[term_id])   
    Moderator bcworkz


    No Gutenberg plugin is needed, assuming you are in a post 5.0 WP version. The default editor is Gutenberg, the plugin is a development beta test version containing the latest features that aren’t yet ready for broad distribution.

    The only thing really I see wrong now is you’ve not collected the passed $post_id in the save_cat() function declaration. Do it like this:
    function save_cat( $post_id ) {

    There is room for improvement however. Some warnings get logged when “vis” or “term_id” elements do not exist in their respective arrays. Things still work as expected, but filling up log files with warnings is not a good practice ?? First check for element existence with array_key_exists(). Link with other conditions with &&, the AND operator. Like so:
    if (array_key_exists('vis', $_GET ) && '92'== $_GET['vis']) {
    and when we don’t need to verify a particular value, just do
    if ( array_key_exists('term_id', $_POST ))

    And one last pedantic observation, in save_cat(), while PHP handles your code correctly, it’s ambiguous to other human readers. You should not place wp_set_post_terms() directly below its if() conditional above. Do one of the following instead:
    1. Use curly braces to indicate the call is part of the conditional
    2. place it on the same line as the conditional
    3. Or at least indent the line so it’s more evident it’s a conditional call.

    There is one side effect in Gutenberg from forcing the category this way. The forced category does not appear in the editor until the page is reloaded. This is because the publish/update process is invoked by Ajax, so the page does not reload. The broader issue is the page appears like a user could select categories when in fact they cannot. Maybe the solution is to hide the entire category meta box when “vis” == 92? I think you could output the appropriate <style> block containing the right CSS rules to do so where the hidden input field is output.

    Thread Starter michaelgoal


    I really appreciate your detailed reply.
    My code is like this now, but the category is still the default value.
    Term_id is 1 and should be 24.
    For some reason my code dont change the term_id.
    Which database table shows the hidden field ? So i can check if something gets uploaded.

    add_action( 'block_editor_meta_box_hidden_fields', 'add_cat', 10, 1 );
    function add_cat($post) {
     if (array_key_exists('vis', $_GET ) && '92'== $_GET['vis']) {
     echo '<input type="hidden" name="term_id" value="24">';
    add_action( 'save_post', 'save_cat' );
    function save_cat( $post_id ) {
     if ($_POST[term_id]) {  
     wp_set_post_terms($post_id,'24','category'); }

    Yes it would maybe be more user friendly if the users is not able to choose a category. I will try to solve this problem afterwards.

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