• Fatal error: Call to undefined function _get_custom_object_labels() in …………../wp-includes/taxonomy.php on line 445

    Can someone please tell me how/why this would happen and how to resolve?

    Many thanks.

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  • Basic troubleshooting:

    Disable all plugins and custom themes (use the default twentytwelve or twentythirteen theme). Likely there won’t be any error messages at this point.

    Now enable your custom theme (no plugins). Does the error reappear? If so, the issue is with your theme. Update it or find a better theme.

    If there’s still no error, slowly re-enable your plugins one by one. If the error reappears, note which plugin you last enabled. See if there’s an update for the plugin. If there isn’t an update, contact the plugin developer and provide them with as much information about your setup as possible to help them fix the problem.

    If the errors continue even after you’ve disabled all plugins and are using a default theme, then I’d start taking a look at your server setup and hosting.

    Hope this helps!

    I have never encountered that error, but it looks to me like it could be a plugin issue:

    So, maybe rename your plugins folder to “plugins_hold” for just a moment to deactivate all of them, then name it back and begin reactivating them one-at-a-time to see whether a culprit presents itself.

    Thread Starter red5.ws


    I had my hosting provider restore a backup from a few days ago and it repaired one of the sites. What I don’t understand is what could have changed seemingly overnight that would knock off all my sites. Could a plugin tried to have update itself? I guess I can have my hosting provider restore all the sites from a few days ago, but do not know hot to prevent this from happening again.

    Could a plugin tried to have update itself?

    Something like that would be my guess, and your host might be able to help you find a given error log showing what had actually happened.

    This also is happening to me.

    Just today. Have done nothing to it.

    Specific error message is at wp-admin (and everywhere else, for that matter):
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function _get_custom_object_labels() in /home/content/81/9548381/html/wp-includes/taxonomy.php on line 445

    Have disabled all plugins from ftp (plugin folder rename), still cannot access even wp-admin.

    How are you going with yours, red5.ws?

    Thread Starter red5.ws


    I had a copy of wordpress on my local computer. I simply used FTP to overwrite everything (except the wp-config.php file) and I left the themes and plugins in place. [Basically don’t delete anything but just transfer a new copy of wordpress on top of the existing one]

    Once I did that, I was able to sign in to the back end and update to 3.6.1 and any plugins that needed updating I did that as well. Seems to be working fine now, but I am concerned as to how this happened and how to prevent it from happening again.

    Let me know if you discover anything.

    Thanks everyone

    For what it’s worth to still attempt to troubleshoot, do you by any chance use Google Analytics on your sites red5.ws? The only major change I remember doing to mine was installing a Google Analytics code in footer.php a few days ago.

    Probably highly unlikely to be causing the problem since it wasn’t a problem for a few days after installation, but worth asking.

    Thread Starter red5.ws


    I do not use google analytics on this particular site. What I found unusual was I really didn’t have any common plugins among the all of the sites that went down. I am starting to think I was hit by malware or something like it.

    I have a shared hosting plan with 1and1.com, how about yourself?

    @ay_zed – these forum really work better if you start your own thread as per:


    I had the same issue. For what it’s worth, my solution to was to re-upload the post.php file to the wp-includes directory.

    The _get_custom_object_labels() function appears to be declared in the post.php file. This file in my WordPress site had become corrupted and was empty. I don’t know why.

    Also, I’m not sure if it makes a difference, but I made sure to take the new post.php file from the same version of WordPress as was running my site.

    Hope this helps someone.

    i get- Fatal error: Call to undefined function _get_custom_object_labels() in /home/stylistic3/domains/leash.co.il/public_html/wp-includes/taxonomy.php on line 492

    can someone help…
    i cant get to my admin to do nothing and the site is not working.
    tnx alot

    djr_xr6, you were right!
    You saved me so much time. THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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