Your issue is highly dependent on the theme you are using and more an issue with Fancybox. So you might want to check back with the developers of Easy Fancybox if the following snippet does not solve your problem. It is hard for us to guess the cause of such issues without knowing your full setup, the theme and plugins you are using or the url where the issue appears.
<style type="text/css">
.hentry .planso-form-builder .container-fluid{
.hentry .planso-form-builder{
<a href="#contact_form_pop" class="fancybox-inline">Contact Us</a>
<div style="display:none" class="fancybox-hidden">
<div id="contact_form_pop" class="hentry" >
You can paste the code above directly to your editor in text-mode. Just change the PlanSo Forms shortcode to match yours.
It would be nice if you would keep us in the loop and let us know what worked for you.