• I have created a custom post type calle “news” with a hierarchical taxonomy – at the moment their are two terms – “work” and “site”.

    Now I discovered that without any special templates WordPress used the archive template and loop. This means I get excerpts rather than full articles.

    I also discovered that if I created a custom template archives-news.php this was used when I called for the news in general (all taxonomies together). If I call a specific category news/work, for example, it goes back to the default archive template.

    This means that every time I create a term for my “news” post type, I have to create a custom template for the taxonomy term. This is clearly ridiculous.

    What is the work round for this ?
    Or is there a way of adapting the loop so that it uses the default templates but outputs the custom posts – adding conditionals to change the page title etc.

    I’m building the site on the back of twentyten (not a child theme, it wouldn’t work for some reason and anyway the changes I made to the templates would mean it is basically completely reconstructed), so the loop is the twentyten loop.

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