• Resolved truhgor



    When a message sent from Outlook is processed, there’s no image showing just the image adress in [ ].
    Mail sent from other clients work just fine.

    In the debug-text I can see the correct code being generated, but somwhere along the way, it changes…


Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Plugin Author Wayne Allen


    Can you post the debug output of it not working?

    Thread Starter truhgor


    With som crude anonymization…

    Starting mail fetch
    Postie Version: 1.7.31
    Wordpress Version: 4.4.2
    PHP Version: 5.3.29
    OS: Linux apache-03-38 2.6.32-531.17.1.lve1.2.58.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 18 08:28:56 EDT 2014 x86_64
    Time: 2016-04-11 20:00:46 GMT
    Error log: path/logs/php-error.log
    TMP dir: /tmp/
    Postie is in path/public_html/logg/wp-content/plugins/postie/
    Cron: On
    Alternate Cron: Off
    wp_content_path: path/public_html/logg/wp-content
    Connecting to imap.server.nu:143 (imap)
    imap: connection string - {imap.server.nu:143/service=imap/notls/novalidate-cert}
    imap: disabling GSSAPI
    imap: connected
    stdClass Object
        [flags] => 31
        [messages] => 1
        [recent] => 1
        [unseen] => 1
        [uidnext] => 13
        [uidvalidity] => 1459892820
    imap: deleting message 1
    imap: expunge
    imap: closing connection
    There are 1 messages to process
    memory at start of email processing:16089536
        [add_meta] => no
        [admin_username] => Admin
        [allow_html_in_body] => 1
        [allow_html_in_subject] => 1
        [allow_subject_in_mail] => 1
        [audiotemplate] => <a href="{FILELINK}">{FILENAME}</a>
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                [0] => m4a
                [1] => mp3
                [2] => ogg
                [3] => wav
                [4] => mpeg
        [authorized_addresses] => Array
                [0] => [email protected]
                [1] => [email protected]
                [2] => [email protected]
                [3] => [email protected]
                [4] => [email protected]
                [5] => [email protected]
                [6] => [email protected]
                [7] => [email protected]
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                [wordpress_default] => <a href="{PAGELINK}"><img src="{MEDIUM}" alt="{CAPTION}" width="{MEDIUMWIDTH}" height="{MEDIUMHEIGHT}" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-{ID}" /></a>
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                [postie_legacy] => <div class="postie-image-div"><a href="{IMAGE}"><img src="{THUMBNAIL}" alt="{FILENAME}" title="{FILENAME}" style="border:none" class="postie-image" /></a></div>
                [custom] =>
        [input_protocol] => imap
        [interval] => tenminutes
        [mail_server] => imap.server.nu
        [mail_server_port] => 143
        [mail_userid] => [email protected]
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        [message_start] => :start
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        [message_encoding] => UTF-8
        [message_dequote] => 1
        [post_status] => publish
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        [role_access] => Array
        [selected_audiotemplate] => simple_link
        [selected_imagetemplate] => custom
        [selected_video1template] => simple_link
        [selected_video2template] => simple_link
        [shortcode] =>
        [sig_pattern_list] => Array
                [0] => --\s?[\r\n]?
                [1] => --\s
                [2] => --
                [3] => ---
        [smtp] => Array
        [start_image_count_at_zero] => 0
        [supported_file_types] => Array
                [0] => application
        [turn_authorization_off] => 0
        [time_offset] => 2
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                [3] => 3gpp
                [4] => 3gpp2
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                [7] => mpeg
                [8] => quicktime
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                [large_widescreen] => <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="https://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" width="640"height="360"> <param name="src" value="{FILELINK}" /> <param name="autoplay" value="no" /> <param name="controller" value="true" /> <embed src="{FILELINK}" width="640" height="360"autoplay="no" controller="true" type="video/quicktime" pluginspage="https://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" width="640" height="380" scale="tofit"></embed> </object>
                [vshortcode] => [video width="568" height="320" {FILETYPE}="{FILELINK}"][/video]
                [custom] =>
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                [small] => <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="https://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" width="128"height="96"> <param name="src" value="{FILELINK}" /> <param name="autoplay" value="no" /> <param name="controller" value="true" /> <embed src="{FILELINK}" width="128" height="96"autoplay="no" controller="true" type="video/quicktime" pluginspage="https://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" width="128" height="110"></embed> </object>
                [medium] => <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="https://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" width="320"height="240"> <param name="src" value="{FILELINK}" /> <param name="autoplay" value="no" /> <param name="controller" value="true" /> <embed src="{FILELINK}" width="320" height="240"autoplay="no" controller="true" type="video/quicktime" pluginspage="https://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" width="320" height="260"></embed> </object>
                [medium_widescreen] => <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="https://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" width="480"height="270"> <param name="src" value="{FILELINK}" /> <param name="autoplay" value="no" /> <param name="controller" value="true" /> <embed src="{FILELINK}" width="480" height="270"autoplay="no" controller="true" type="video/quicktime" pluginspage="https://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" width="480" height="290"></embed> </object>
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                [custom] =>
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        [category_dash] => 1
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    1: ------------------------------------
    RemoveExtraCharactersInEmailAddress: [email protected] (1)
        [0] => Xx Xxxx <[email protected]>
        [1] => [email protected]
    ValidatePoster: post postie_filter_email [email protected]
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        [0] => [email protected]<[email protected]>
        [1] => [email protected]
    ValidatePoster: post postie_filter_email2 [email protected]
    ValidatePoster: post postie_filter_email3 [email protected]
    Confirming Access For [email protected]
    ValidatePoster: looking up default user XX Xxxx
    ValidatePoster: pre postie_author (default) 2
    ValidatePoster: post postie_author (default) 2
    ValidatePoster: found user '2'
    tmp post id is 1074
    Message Id is :<DB5PR07MB16054E3A81095B4B74F9AF70C9940@DB5PR07MB1605.eurprd07.prod.outlook.com>
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    filter_PreferedText: part: 1 image/jpeg
    filter_PreferedText: keeping: image
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    filter_PreferedText: keeping: multipart
    filter_PreferedText: part: 1 image/jpeg
    filter_PreferedText: keeping: image
    2 parts
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    filter_PreferedText: checking prefered type
    filter_PreferedText: removing: html
    1 parts
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    GetContent: ---- start
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    GetContent: secondary lookup failed, checking configured extensions
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    GetContent: text charset: iso-8859-1
    GetContent: text encoding: quoted-printable
    before HandleMessageEncoding
    email charset: iso-8859-1
    email encoding: quoted-printable
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    GetContent: body text
    GetContent: html allowed
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    GetContent: ==== end
    GetContent: meta_return: [cid:fb0a2db4-0d63-4aec-a41e-c7884672d0d5]
    GetContent: ==== end
    GetContent: ---- start
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    postie_handle_upload: detected file type for ananas.jpg is image/jpeg
    postie_handle_upload (type/ext): 'image/jpeg' / 'jpg'
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    upload: permissions changed
    upload: before apply_filters
    upload: after apply_filters
    reading metadata
    before wp_insert_attachment
    after wp_insert_attachment: attachement id: 1075
    wp_update_attachment_metadata complete
    GetContent: adding image: 1075
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    No registered filters for image_downsize
        [0] => https://xx/logg/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ananas-150x150.jpg
        [1] => https://xx/logg/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ananas.jpg
        [2] => https://xx/logg/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ananas.jpg
        [0] => 150
        [1] => 168
        [2] => 168
        [0] => 150
        [1] => 250
        [2] => 250
    parseTemplate - after: <a href="https://xx/logg/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ananas.jpg"><img src="https://xx/logg/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ananas.jpg" alt="{CAPTION}" width="250px" height="168px" class="aligncenter" /></a>
    GetContent: CID Attachement: fb0a2db4-0d63-4aec-a41e-c7884672d0d5
    GetContent: meta_return: 
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    GetContent: meta_return: [cid:fb0a2db4-0d63-4aec-a41e-c7884672d0d5]
    GetContent: ==== end
    CreatePost: '[cid:fb0a2db4-0d63-4aec-a41e-c7884672d0d5]
        [html] => Array
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        [cids] => Array
                [fb0a2db4-0d63-4aec-a41e-c7884672d0d5] => Array
                        [0] => https://xx/logg/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ananas.jpg
                        [1] => 0
        [image_files] => Array
    Predecoded subject: Hej hej
    tag_Subject: Looking for subject in email body
    tag_Subject: No subject found, using default [1]
    Subject: Hej hej
    filter_RemoveSignature: pattern: /^(--\s?[\r\n]?|--\s|--|---)\s?$/mi
    post sig: [cid:fb0a2db4-0d63-4aec-a41e-c7884672d0d5]
    post excerpt: [cid:fb0a2db4-0d63-4aec-a41e-c7884672d0d5]
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        [0] => Xx Xxx <[email protected]>
        [1] => [email protected]
    post author: [cid:fb0a2db4-0d63-4aec-a41e-c7884672d0d5]
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    email charset: 
    email encoding: 
    after HandleMessageEncoding
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    post date: [cid:fb0a2db4-0d63-4aec-a41e-c7884672d0d5]
    post ubb: [cid:fb0a2db4-0d63-4aec-a41e-c7884672d0d5]
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    post type: [cid:fb0a2db4-0d63-4aec-a41e-c7884672d0d5]
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    post category: [cid:fb0a2db4-0d63-4aec-a41e-c7884672d0d5]
    post tag: [cid:fb0a2db4-0d63-4aec-a41e-c7884672d0d5]
    post comment: [cid:fb0a2db4-0d63-4aec-a41e-c7884672d0d5]
    post status: [cid:fb0a2db4-0d63-4aec-a41e-c7884672d0d5]
    looking for fb0a2db4-0d63-4aec-a41e-c7884672d0d5 in content
    found fb0a2db4-0d63-4aec-a41e-c7884672d0d5
    # cid attachments: 1
        [ananas.jpg] => <a href="xx/logg/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ananas.jpg"><img src="https://xx/logg/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ananas.jpg" alt="{CAPTION}" width="250px" height="168px" class="aligncenter" /></a><br />
        [0] => 0
    looking for 0 in used
    Looking for '<a href="https://xx/logg/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ananas.jpg"><img src="https://xx/logg/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ananas.jpg" alt="{CAPTION}" width="250px" height="168px" class="aligncenter" /></a><br />' in attachments
    post cid: [https://xx/logg/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ananas.jpg]
    begin: filter_linkify
    begin: filter_linkify (html)
    autolink_do: check this for '[' [
    autolink_do: found '[' so not linkifying (in a shortcode)
    autolink_do: check this for '[' [https://
    autolink_do: found '[' so not linkifying (in a shortcode)
    begin: filter_linkify (email)
    post linkify: [https://xx/logg/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ananas.jpg]
    post vodafone: [https://xx/logg/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ananas.jpg]
    post custom: [https://xx/logg/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ananas.jpg]
    GetParentPostForReply: Looking for parent 'Hej hej'
    GetParentPostForReply: No parent found
    Not a reply
    filter_Newlines: filternewlines
    filter_Newlines: convertnewline: 0
    post newline: [https://xx/logg/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ananas.jpg]  
    post start: [https://xx/logg/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ananas.jpg]  
    post end: [https://xx/logg/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ananas.jpg]  
    images in post: 1
        [0] => WP_Post Object
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                [post_author] => 2
                [post_date] => 2016-04-11 22:00:46
                [post_date_gmt] => 2016-04-11 20:00:46
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    Auto gallery: none
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    Post postie_post filter
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        [comment_author] => Xx
        [comment_author_url] =>
        [user_ID] =>
        [email_author] => [email protected]
        [post_date] => 2016-04-11 21:52:13
        [post_date_gmt] => 2016-04-11 19:52:13
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        [post_title] => Hej hej
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        [post_name] => hej-hej
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    Post Author: 2
    Date: 2016-04-11 21:52:13
    Category: 1
    Ping Status: open
    Comment Status: open
    Subject: Hej hej
    Postname: hej-hej
    Post Id: 1074
    Post Type: post
    MailToRecipients: send mail
    To: [email protected]
    From: =?utf-8?b?TGVzIELDpW5ncyBCw6VuZ3NibG9nZw==?=  <[email protected]>
    MailToRecipients: Successfully posted to Les B?ngs B?ngsblogg
    Your post 'Hej hej' has been successfully published to xx <https://xx/logg/2016/04/hej-hej/>.
    1: processed
    Mail fetch complete, 1 emails
    memory at end of email processing:17974216
    Plugin Author Wayne Allen


    For some reason it appears the message text ends up in a shortcode type syntax.

    Please send a sample message from outlook to [email protected] and leave a note here when you have done so and I will take a look at the message structure.

    Thread Starter truhgor



    Plugin Author Wayne Allen


    Outlook seems to be wrapping internal links in square brackets when converting a styled email to plain text.

    This is the actual content of the plain text portion of the email


    Postie turns the cid portion into a link to the uploaded media:


    Which WordPress doesn’t render since that is the syntax for a shortcode.

    A workaround is to switch “Preferred Text Type” to “html”

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