Hi @aguseo
Thank you so much for the fast response. I am using the new blocks editor. I will admit I was very afraid of swapping out my theme and de-activating my plugins. I know I should be able to do that freely, but I am newer to wordpress and just a bit skittish. I would be in big trouble if I broke the site. I will say I have several memberpress plug-ins and running divi (child them). I also first installed the latest version TEC (Version
So, instead of that testing, I took at the code in the file listed in the error posted above. Through trial and error of commenting out pieces I was able to discover what the problem is (at least for me).
At the end of the first two if statements the closing endifs did not have ?php. When I add the php it starts to work. Not sure if that is due to the version of php I am running or some strict type setting. I am new-ish to php so I may not have it right. But it works.
In my file the line numbers are 49 and 66. The original code is <? endif; ?> and I changed it to <?php endif; ?> .
And in github the lines are:
I tried to override the file in my child theme but it would not take and I kept getting the same error.
Here is where I tried to override the file. Did I not do that correctly?
Therefore, I just made the above fix in the file located at:
Please let me know if my fix is the real issue or I am missing something.
Again, thank you for your fast response. And thank you for The Events Calendar – it really is a great plugin.