• After the recent WP 5.9 update buttons set to “outline” have no border.

    Looking in the dev console, it seems the wp-includes/css/dist/block-library/style.min.css border: 2px is no longer taking priority over the .wp-block-button__link border: none from the twentytwenty style.css

    Changing the priority of the style enqueue in my child theme functions.php to 1 allows it to override again, but then the button font is too big.

    I’m just going to copy the relevant dist css to my custom css overrides for now to, I think, return to the previous look (I checked 5.8 and the padding was not being applied so I skipped it):

    .is-style-outline>:where(.wp-block-button__link), :where(.wp-block-button__link).is-style-outline {
    	border: 2px solid;
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  • Sorry to “hijack” your thread BUT thank goodness! I thought I was going mad after recently updating to WordPress 5.9. using the Twenty Twenty theme. Also have the same issue with the button outline not showing on the live page. I’m in the middle of a huge site rebuild and all my buttons are outline. After the update I even tried to make sure the default setting for buttons was outline but to no avail.

    Do you have the issue that when you are editing the page you see the outline but on the live, published page you don’t see it?

    Going to try your custom code to see if that helps for now. Hope this can be properly looked at.

    Admin, if I need to create my own thread to address this issue please let me know. Was just “pleased” to know I’m not the only one with this issue.

    UPDATE: Have created my own thread too to highlight the issue.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Emmageddon.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Emmageddon. Reason: Have now created my own thread so not "hijacking" this thread with same issue

    Thanks for the additional CSS code, I had the same issue with theme DONOVAN from ThemeZee, your code helped me get back to the style I wanted.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by mhinparis.
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