Hi folks,
Just chiming in here. This issue was resolved in GiveWP 2.21.1.
To give an idea of the issue, here’s what happened: GiveWP has an awesome new system for retrieving data from the database. It’s faster, optimized, and is being used to improve speed throughout the product. There was one place where a lot of data was being pulled all at once that wasn’t as optimized as it could have been, so on older MySQL instances, or shared hosting servers which have limited MySQL memory, it could throw an “out of memory” error. We tracked this down and made further improvements so it now takes far less memory and is even more optimized (and faster). This will avoid the memory issue.
Before updating, be sure to make a full backup of your site. We recommend the backup plugin Duplicator.
Here’s an article that walks you through accomplishing this: https://givewp.com/backup-for-faster-troubleshooting/
We also recommend you first make these updates on a staging site before updating on your live site, to make sure everything goes smoothly.