• I have had recurring issues with this plugin. It is a tremendous memory hog and its design often causes it to use up all the memory in a server (which then triggers the process killer to target and kill the largest running process–Mysql!)

    I have attempted to get help from the devs at various stages of its development to no avail. The most recent version–5.0.4–has clearly changed in a way that now causes EVERY scan attempt to kill Mysql and take down my site (along with the running scan). This is on a server running one site and using 1 gig of real memory and 500 megs of virtual swap memory!

    If you monitor your server during a scan you can clearly see how it spawns more and more database connections (as it attempts to keep running past the max_execution_time). But there is no way to release all the paused sessions! If you have too much data and files you WILL eventually experience this.

    I can only assume they are making money off premium accounts from small sites?

    Worse, they don’t offer the often to run your scans “in pieces” so that you can complete part of a scan, release database connections (and memory) and then run another part of the scan. This lack of flexibility I believe also relates to their inability to design the plugin to work properly.

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  • In my opinion, considering it is a fact that this plugin works on a lot of sites with high and low amounts of memory. it is possible that a plugin, even this plugin, may not run optimally on every single server.

    giving your feedback is great, because then devs can make their plugin work on more server setups. using a negative tone and making it seem like somehow the dev has done something wrong by you, for providing you with a free plugin, this kind of attitude just simply does not help anyone, especially the dev.

    Finally, security is an important issue and since it is obvious by the lengthy threads and technical conversations, particularly here on the Wordfence support thread, it may be prudent and justifiable to upgrade ones server hardware or change hosting environments to one that is known to work with the plugins and software you use.

    Considering the wordpress repository is mainly free, with no requirement to pay back, perhaps you should lower your sense of entitlement and raise your supportive attitude.

    because quite frankly @barky81 you have been really rude.

    Thread Starter barky81


    @julian fox

    The plugin is only free if you decide not to pay for the premium features. I don’t understand why anyone would pay for premium features when the plugin doesn’t work properly for them. Only if the plugin worked could one evaluate the potential value of the premium features.

    Also, I feel I should again point out that this is a 1-star (thus, basically, negative) review.

    I feel I should again point out that this is a 1-star (thus, basically, negative) review.

    We understand that but it has zero merit as a review because you didn’t even try to contact the plugin’s developer before posting the review. After all, how do you know that the issues were not at your end?

    Thread Starter barky81


    @esmi: “We understand that but it has zero merit as a review because you didn’t even try to contact the plugin’s developer before posting the review.”

    I can only assume that you have not read this thread?

    The dev had support forums at his own website. I and many others participated in those forums. Among the many topics on those forums: scan errors/hangs/site crashes (db errors), etc.

    The *dev* took down all that info instead of simply leaving it for people to see. (He still could have moved his active support to here without *deleting* the older posts.)

    Here are a couple of examples still in the Internet archive (don’t know for how long):




    I still have numerous email notices of posts in those forums from when I participated, and they date back to Fall 2013…

    The issue at that time was occasional db crashes during scans…(since then the frequency of such crashes has increased with each new version to the point at which every scan crashed…leading to this review).

    Granted it was his choice to delete all that history; but to do so and then claim there has been no past effort on the part of users to get help!?!?! That seems like maybe it crosses a line?

    @esmi: “After all, how do you know that the issues were not at your end?”

    Precisely because I had previously addressed these issues directly with the dev–unsuccessfully. Also because a review of the support forums here show a continuing pattern of some users experiencing the same issue.

    And finally because the dev himself clearly admits that the plugin consumes A TON OF MEMORY; in fact he starts by asking for 256 megs, and then suggesting that if that is not enough, keep INCREASING in 50 meg increments until either (1) you run out of physical server memory or (2) your scans complete.

    What the dev simply doesn’t explain is what to do when you run out of server memory trying to run his plugin…(oh wait, I think that was the point of my 1-star review).

    Once again, here is the FAQ from the dev:

    If you see an error about running out of memory, you can try the following:

    Go to the Wordfence options page.
    Click the advanced options link to show the advanced options.
    Scroll all the way to the bottom where you’ll see an option to specify the maximum memory that Wordfence uses.
    Try increasing this to 300 Megabytes (the default is 256 megs)
    Do another scan.
    If you still get an out of memory error, try increasing by another 50 and re-scan.
    You can keep increasing by 50 megabytes, but be careful that your web server does not run out of memory because this may cause the operating system to behave unpredictably. You can refer to your web host’s documentation to find out what the maximum memory is that you’ve been allocated.

    I am sorry that you consider my effort to provide an informed review as having “zero merit.” But I accept that as your opinion.


    You completely missed the point of what i said which is you should leave a negative review and feedback, but theres no reason to be rude about it.

    P.S There is nothing wrong with a negative review, if thats ur honest opinion.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    *Jan reaches for popcorn, finds coffee instead is massively grateful*

    OK, this has been interesting reading but I think this review has run it’s course and is no longer productive.

    @barky81? To sum up: you have a problem with this plugin, you’ve posted a 1 star review. Feedback was offered and the review went off the rails.

    That pretty much covers all 21 posts here. I’m closing this topic, if you need support for this plugin (and I do mean support not “Let’s pick this up again”) then please create a new support topic in this plugin’s dedicated support sub-forum.


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