Thanks for looking Mike, but no I didn’t move the site. However since there’s something wrong with it since the 3500 visitors at one time, I think someone hacked it and did something…
When I log in to:, instead of seeing the dashboard similar to this image:
I see
If I click on the word ‘blog’ from the home page, I see the this:
And the blog should look similar to this:
So, I can’t even get to the Dashboard to do anything to the blog. I had changed the theme (of the blog), was creating pages and was going to ask my web support person to alter the settings so the blog became the website, but the day I logged in to the web hosting panel to find something I happen to see that had 3500 visitors at that particular moment. Little did I know it was some sort of ‘attack’. Why on earth anyone would screw around with my little website/blog I have no idea!
Hence my original question, Is there a ‘backway’ into my WP blog? As I stated in the original question, my login worked, I changed it because everyone kept saying to change the password…still can’t access the dashboard of the blog…
Any other suggestions or should I bite the bullet and start over?
Oh, I have a backup from when WP upgraded to 4.0 but I don’t know the extension so I can’t find it on my computer…