Dear Paulwpxp,
A few more notes: Since I am such a technical idiot, I had to re-upload my entire site, from scratch, from the original site, at least three times in a two-week period. These were supervised-by-my-webhost moves because I tried doing it by myself, but had no idea that the WP .xml file was too large for the standard upload size. Then, I proceeded to trash it once it was uploaded, repeatedly. I had to start from a clean database each time. As I said before, I am an absolute idiot in all of these matters— but I am trying to learn as quickly and as efficiently as I can, to the best of my ability.
Video: Please excuse my unclear language. “Oddly sized” as in the videos were showing up in random larger sizes when viewed on a mobile phone after installing Origin. When clicked, the videos did open properly, at the right size, into another screen with stop, start and pause buttons. However, the look of the videos in post-view themselves had no apparent rhyme or reason except that they were larger than they ought to have been, or compressed oddly so that the top and the bottom had huge black letterbox bars.
I tried turning removing and reinstalling Jetpack; I tried deleting and re-uploading Origin: I tried re-uploading the current framework. I attempted these three items at least three times in addition to my three fresh starts (complete with database erasing!) On, I was using the old video embed code, but after the transfer it didn’t seem to be a problem in the Twenty Eleven or Twenty Twelve themes that I used when I first uploaded my site. (Please remember— I had to upload my site from an original .xml at least three times in two weeks.)
Photos: The attachments were still attached when I initially uploaded them (three different times) into the standard theme that comes with the framework. There was nothing odd about the images, nor did there seem to be anything odd about the upload (esp. given the fact that I had to do it more than once because of my own digital idiocy.) What was especially odd is that any new photo files I’ve added also became unattached while I’ve been using Origin. (I’ve been reattaching images by hand, but there are over 600 images on my site. This will take some doing.)
Videos: My original videos were fine as well. Once I changed over to Origin is when all of my media seemed to become wonky (e.g.— unattached media, e.g. video mobile issues.) One of the contributing factors may be that I was using the old embed codes for videos up until, and just after, my move. However, once I started using the proper oEmbed codes, this change did not seem to produce any difference in the arbitrary oversizing. (Once again, I’ve got over 500 video embeds on my site. I am going through them one-by-one to change them to the current oEmbed settings.)
(An aside: My new problem is that the full RSS feed (no shorted links) will not show any embedded videos at all now. I am not sure how often RSS feeds refresh, so I’m trying to sort that out now.)
Possible Solution: As for my hypothetical original problem with the Origin theme, here’s what I’ve done: I have reinstalled WP again and I have moved to a different theme.
What I am considering doing now is this: I have two or three remaining emergency backup .XMLs of my original site. What I might try to save all recent posts elsewhere and re-upload my site one more time.
The only reason I am loathe to do it is that I keep losing recent comments from my friends and readers. This choice would kind of stink because my readership is already pretty thrown by the general rockiness of the move.
I hate to say it, but while the move was fine (all three or more times), it’s been an awfully funky settling-in period for me, Paulwxp. But, I am learning a great deal, which is good— and it’s an upside I can most certainly attribute to reading threads managed by forum mods such as yourself.
I look forward to your response as well as your suggestions on this matter.
Best wishes,
Courtenay Bluebird.