• Hi!

    I have several custom image sizes that get smushed perfectly, but my “large” image size is set to 2048x1536px and when I upload 1920x1080px photo it is being cut an smushed to all my custom image sizes, but the original image remains unSmushed (so when I output my “large” images in a slider, an unSmushed original 1920x1080px image appears and decreases my Google PageSpeed results by 10-20 points). I have tried all possible combinations of Smush settings, WP settings and functions.php settings, but the problem appears to be connected to the fact, that if an image isn’t being resized it doesn’t get smushed. Trying to bulk smush and re-chek images on plugin page settings doesn’t help either. Please help!

    – Sergei

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  • Hi Sergei,

    Free version of Smush can optimize thumbnails only and in most cases this is enough as the themes usually use their predefined thumbnails instead of full images.

    Pro version includes option to optimize full size images as well and can handle images to up to 32MB.
    We’re currently offering free trial for 14 days if you want to check it out:


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