Very well said, @eljkmw. I could tell that you’ve been with the WordPress community for some time. Otherwise, you wouldn’t understand the ideology behind it which you summarised greatly in your post.
However, I do have a problem with ungrateful people who expect that everything on the internet is for free and works without the slightest bug. I’m happy building plugins and giving support to the ones that use my plugins, and I try to do so as much as I can. I don’t even expect a “thank you”, I’d just like the users to know that the vast majority of the plugins and themes hosted in WordPress’ repository have been done as a hobby in their free time.
That doesn’t mean that they’re not allowed to give a negative review, but when they do this, I wish they’d take this into account and don’t get furious when something doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to. Fortunately, most users within the WordPress community don’t behave like that and even spend their own time to help me improve my plugins. I’m very grateful for any suggestions, improvements, bug reports and anything else that could make my plugins better.