• Resolved Scoop0901


    I’ve looked at all the plugins using the plugin editor to find the problem, yet I can’t seem to narrow it down.

    When I look at the source for my blog, I am finding this:

    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    var web = document.location;
    if (parent.location.domain !== self.location.domain) {
    alert(‘?????°??¨è??é—??????ˉ’ + web + ‘\n ?£€?μ???°???????”¨???????μ?è§?????????…??1??????é?μ??3?°?è·3è????°???????…±?”¨?o|???é?μé?¢?€?\n èˉ·???è|?????”¨??????è·¨???è°??”¨????????…??1?€?\n èˉ·é?μ??? Creative Commons ???è???€?\nScoop’s Views ???????–1?????o:??2??? ?· é?????????”¨é€” ?· ????????€è?′’);

    A couple of weeks ago, because of its location, I thought I had it narrowed down to a certain plugin. I’ve run Google searches on various parts of the code, but came up empty handed.

    I think I’ve turned off every plugin — one-at-a-time — to track it down. When I used that method, over the course of a few days, I didn’t find it. I don’t want to turn off all the plugins and then turn then on one-by-one, as a lot of stuff will get broken — and be broken for over a week or so, as I don’t have all the time I wish I had to track sit back and do nothing more than play with the plugins.

    The coding is causing validation errors, but also display problems in a few browsers.


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  • It’s a link to a creative commons license, written in Chinese. The English version is here:


    (replace “.org” with “.cn” and you get what’s linked in your source script.)

    My guess would be it’s theme-related. And pretty harmless – just whoever it is wants to be sure it’s passed on under the GPL, and no one tries to make money off it.

    Thread Starter Scoop0901


    Thanks, doodlebee for your comments. I knew it was the Creative Commons license, but because it used the oriental characters, it was causing errors, including validation errors.

    I spent about four hours last night using Notepad++ going through every plugin in a local directory. I finally found and deleted the plugin. Now the issue I was having with an RSS-serving site is resolved.


    Thread Starter Scoop0901


    A few people have contacted me privately via my blog and IM, wanting to know the plug that caused the issue. It was:

    Plugin Name: Reject Frame
    Plugin URI: https://blog.coolcode.cn/?p=76
    Description: This plugin will reject other website quote your page in their frame.
    Author: andot
    Version: 2.0
    Author URI: https://www.coolcode.cn

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