OrderStatus cannot work well
Dear YITH!
We’ve a bit of problem about the OpenTicket Community Edition system, maybe the “Seating” extension, but its connect to your plugin too.
Our customer use WordPress-WooC system whit the “YITH WooCommerce Custom Order Status” plugin. The user made an unique OrderStatus for WooCommerce. They created the “BLOCKEDSEAT” status.
In the customers site there are a lot of events wich created with OpenTicket plugin. At the seating, we can see greens and reds. The greens are the available seats, and the reds are the sold or “BLOCKEDSEAT” seats. Before the event goes to public, our customer blocking some seats (cause’ the VIPs or the DJ).
BUT, sometimes the “BLOCKEDSEAT” seats status are change to Available, automatically.
Have you ever seen this problem or similar? This is really annoying :/
Wordpress versin: 4.9.3
WooCommerce version: 3.2.6
YITH version: 1.1.5 (Not premium)
OpenTicket version: 2.8.7 (premium)
Openticket Seating version: 2.7.2 (premium)
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