When you make an order in Woocommerce, the Woocommerce “orders” menu item in admin has a red circle next to it to alert you to this or any other orders that have been recently made an not looked at. It’s an alert.
This no longer happens. The order appears in the orders list, but no red circle appears (notification circle).
I would screenshot it, but seeing as there is no red circle there’s nothing to screenshot ??
May I ask, when the order comes through, are the order statuses set to On-Hold, or Processing?
From what I have gathered after testing this on my staging site, I receive the notification in the red circle once the order status is automatically set to Processing however, if the order is set to On-Hold, such as Check Payments or Direct Bank Transfer / BACS, then the notification does not display.
Furthermore, once changing the status from On-Hold to Processing, the red circle updates with this order included.
Before changing order #54 from On-Hold to Processing:
After changing the order #54 from On-Hold to Processing:
Are you experiencing the same on your end, or are the payment statuses coming through as Processing, and you are still not seeing the notification in the red circle for these?