As you mentioned that it displays the value correctly when clicking and then viewing options but not showing while in the accounts listing; In case of its being a display issue, to reach for the theme developer will be a good idea as it is a premium theme. And as far as I can understand, it says Compatible for WC 2.1.2, and no declaration of WC 2.2 compatibility.
Because as you may know, it is mentioned in the Changelog for v2.2 that Order-Status management has changed:
Refactor - Changed the method in which order statuses are stored. Previously, order status was a taxonomy. This caused issues when unique term slugs differed from what we were expecting, and also added additonal overhead to order queries in reports.
Order status is now stored as post status - several new post statuses have been added. Order class variables are backwards compatible.
The only thing to note (for devs) is that any query must use the order status instead of 'publish' when getting orders and querying by post_status. THe shop_order_status has also been removed.
As you see, it has a side-note for developers.
Maybe it is just a teheme compatibility issue and needed to be fixed with an update.