• Hello,

    I would like to change the order of content that is showing in my sidebar. When I drag a widget into it, it deletes the rest of the sidebar that’s already there, probably because I’m using a custom theme. I would like to have it in this order (starting under the searchbar)

    – Recent posts
    – Recent comments
    – Archive
    – Tag cloud

    Can anyone help?

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  • Thread Starter ninjawanda


    oh, the website is here I’m using a theme called “charred”

    Thread Starter ninjawanda



    Is the rest of your sidebar added manually?

    It might be that the theme is set up to display either the widgets o r the manual sidebar.

    Just a thought!

    Erum Munir
    Custom WordPress Themes

    Thread Starter ninjawanda


    No, I could not change the sidebar, it was all part of the theme. Somehow I managed to get Recent post and the archive under the tagcloud, but I don’t know how to get them ABOVE the tagcloud.

    Even worse problem, when you click on one of my posts, the ‘recent post’ and ‘archive’ dissapear and you have to click back to home to see other posts.

    Your problem has to do with how the theme is designed. Those elements are hard coded to be above the dynamic sidebars. You’ll have to edit your theme templates to change it. Look in your theme directory for the files beginning with ‘second-‘.

    Thread Starter ninjawanda


    Thank you. I have managed to get my Recent posts to show up everywhere. Now I only need to figure out how to get the order correct. As you say, the tag cloud and comments are hard coded, but I use a widget for my recent posts. So is it even possible to get the widget above the other two?

    You should be able to drag your widgets into the order you want by using the widgets management panel in Appearance->Widgets.

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