• Website: [ redundant link removed ]

    The payment method is Stripe.

    Hello. I have an issue with WooCommerce orders. The problem is that the order gets duplicated. For the same order, two “New Order” emails are sent to the admin. The status has changed twice from “Pending” to “Processing.” Two different invoices have been generated (in Smartbill).

    This is notes section from order:

    [ Totally deleted, these are public forums and you posted many emails and sensitive customer data. ]

    This is sysem status:

    [ 15,365 bytes of unreadable data deleted ]

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    @anabalan You posted sensitive data and these are very public forums on the Internet. Please do not repeat that again.

    Please do not post large code or responses like that here, it doesn’t work after ~10 lines or so.

    If you need share that data please use https://gist.github.com/ or https://pastebin.com/ or the like instead and post the link to that paste.

    Plugin Support ckadenge (woo-hc)


    Hi there @anabalan,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    I understand you’re facing an issue with orders getting duplicated and 2 different invoices getting generated. From what I can gather, you also seem to be using a third-party application to generate your store invoices.

    Before we can proceed with troubleshooting the issue, could you please confirm if you made any changes before the issue started?

    Also, I’d like to understand your site properly. Please share with us the necessary information below for us to investigate the issue further:

    1. System Status Report, which you can find via WooCommerce > Status > Get system report > Copy for support.
    2. Fatal error logs (if any) under WooCommerce > Status > Logs.
      You could copy and paste your reply here or paste it via https://gist.github.com/ and send the link here.
    3. Share with us your screenshots of your order notes. Please be sure to reduct any sensitive information like customer names and emails.

    Once we have more information, we’ll be able to assist you further.

    Thread Starter anabalan



    1. Order notes: https://prnt.sc/Qhi7YNl1Jauv and https://prnt.sc/tNBRK7Blwegx
    2. System Status Report: https://gist.github.com/anabalan23/4c70517febfd971afc313fefa78af763
    3. Fatal error logs: There are no fatal errors: https://prnt.sc/obqCk3fQzUaW

    I didn’t make any changes before error happened. After I installed all plugins and payment methos, and billing plugin, I tested, and everything worked fine.

    Checkout link: https://oferta.itlearning.ro/finalizare-comanda/?add-to-cart=75&quantity=1

    Thank you

    Thank you for reaching back, with further details on this @anabalan .

    The problem is that the order gets duplicated. For the same order, two “New Order” emails are sent to the admin. The status has changed twice from “Pending” to “Processing.” Two different invoices have been generated (in Smartbill).

    Just to clarify, do you still see two new orders being created each time, in the screen at WooCommerce > Orders, or otherwise?

    Also, did you already have a chance to temporarily disable the SmartBill Facturare si Gestiune: by smarbill.ro – 3.2.6 plugin, and see if the issue persists, or otherwise?

    I hope this is helpful! Please let us know if you have any further questions or concerns.
    We will be happy to help you further.

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