• Resolved patriqueuiliam


    Ok!! Change need not Direct Archive (list.php) ??? which code change ? Order by list?

    no shortcode!!!

    Preciso de ajuda com esta duvida para terminar o meu trabalho.

    Quero que as última postagem apare?a no topo da página. Como posso fazer isso?

    When listings are shown, the older ones show on top where as the latest ones are below. How can I make the latest listing to always show on top?


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  • Anonymous User 13724992



    As noted in your last post… we offer an “order by” and “order direction” option for the display_listings shortcode. The feature is easily implemented via the shortcode builder. Everything is explained in detail on our shortcode documentation page


    Anonymous User 13724992


    We have created shortcodes for you to use the BePro Listings features. If you are somehow using the plugin without shortcodes, we cannot help you. Support on www.remarpro.com is only for advertised features.

    We offer getting started documentation to help you understand how to use the plugin. Once you follow the instructions, you will be using shortcodes and have the option to change the direction of listings


    Thread Starter patriqueuiliam


    Ok! Vou estudar!

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