Options missing on the "add new post" and "add new page" pages
I just installed my 9th wordpress blog. All my previous ones work fine, but the problem with this latest one is, when I click “add new post” or “add new page” many options are missing that are normally there in my other installs.
The center column has the place for the title and the post editor, but everything below that is missing:
-customer field
– Discussion (with the options to allow trackbacks, pingbacks, and comments) This one is a big deal because I can’t turn comments off on my pages without the option being there.
– comments
– slug
– authorAny idea why these didn’t install properly? Did they change the install pack (I install using Simple Scripts,) or did something else change? What can I do about it?
Edit: I tried uninstalling my WP,and installing a previous version. When I did this, the options were back. I then upgraded to the latest WP using the auto upgrade, and the options disappeared again!!! I’m confused, because I upgraded my other sites, and they didn’t lose the post/page options when they were upgraded. To further test this I created a whole new WP install on a whole new domain, and it is having the same issue.
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