Thank you, I am certainly aware that Storefront is responsive and no content is hidden, however, the responsive theme reformats the layout and menu when the browser’s viewport is below certain threshold of the screen resolution.
“Responsive Design is great. But some people dislike endless scrolling, prefer getting a quick overview and can navigate much faster with pinch & zoom. So why annoy them by forcing them into a responsive website? Just let them switch off responsive design with one click. Like in the old “mobile/desktop website” days. – It’s about freedom of choice.”
Please see the demo to understand what I mean:
When you reduce the screen resolution below the certain threshold or view it in mobile device (phone screen) instead of regular desktop menu you will see the mobile menu – this is what I refer to as “mobile version”.
My question: does a StoreFront allow adding any front-end control (such as a button) to switch back to regular “desktop style menu” even for lower resolution screens to which the theme automatically responds by switching from regular desktop menu to mobile menu. I.e. override the default switch from desktop layout and menu to the mobile layout and menu and return to desktop layout and menu even at lower screen resolution?
And I mean is it possible to make this switch by native theme functionality without using external tools, such as this