Hi Dan,
Thanks for replying. I use Document Gallery to display a page of PDFs that match a Media Category created with Enhanced Media Library. E.g. the Media Category is “Newsletters” and my Document Gallery shortcode contains media_category=”Newsletters” as this is implemented as a custom taxonomy.
On my site the user “schooloffice” uploads a weekly newsletter to the media library & ticks “Newsletters” in Media Categories. This is then displayed on the correct page. I can find no way of preventing them from selecting other Media Categories e.g. ‘Policies’ as this would cause the file to be displayed on other pages which I do not wish to give them access to & I want to reduce the risk of mistakes.
If I could include something like author=”admin” on the policies page then even if they did tick the wrong Media Category the file would never be displayed there.
Before I found Document Gallery, I achieved the same result by customising the page template my own PHP & using WP_Query. I would expect to be able to use the author parameters available in WP_Query to achieve this, although I have not tried it.
Document Gallery has allowed me to quickly insert a shortcode into my pages rather than have to create a custom page template & insert PHP code, which is tedious & more difficult to maintain. Here’s one example of where I’m using it: https://parklandjunior.theparklandfederation.org/newsletters-archive/