Option to preserve backup for a set duration
Hello! Really interested in this feature as someone who maintains a couple dozen websites for clients and ensures they are up-to-date.
One thing I was wondering was whether there was an option to tell the plugin to hold onto the backup after an update, possibly with a manual “flush the cache” option for once we’ve verified that the updates have, in fact, not damaged the site in any way.
The reason I ask this is that while certainly a failed update can leave a site in a lurch, my biggest problems as a webmaster have stemmed from updates that worked and then caused problems that needed the update to be reversed after the update (like when Yoast Premium put out a bad update about six-eight months ago). Being able to restore from the backup (even if I have to go into FTP and manually copy the old version back to wp-content/plugins) would be a *really* handy feature.
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