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  • Plugin Author Kreg Wallace


    There’s not a setting to hide the name in the signature list, but you could try editing line 66 from includes/class.signaturelist.php to remove it.




    I don’t think this was really resolved and I have the same question.. I want to know if it is possible to give the signer an “OPTION” of displaying their name in the signature list.. not completely remove it as suggested above.

    Some want to display their name, some do not.. thus the question of making it an option.


    Plugin Author Kreg Wallace


    Hi vintager,

    That option doesn’t yet exist in the plugin, but I’ll put it on the list of features to add..

    I’d like to second that option, being able to allow a user to choose if he wants to be shown on the website or not would be great, most petition sites offer that feature too.

    Thanks, your plug in is really easy to use and pretty to look at.

    I too would like to second that option. Definitely some people shy away from signing a petition their employer could be against, e.g.

    If anyone knows of a way to do this by hacking the script, I’m all ears.

    I could REALLY use this. This is such a useful and wonderful plugin.. although I have potential petition signers asking for this feature regularly.

    In my particular use of the petition, potential petition signers become non-signers because of it.


    ye, I also need same feature…

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