I have contacted aMember about developing additional features to allow a recurrent subscription to specific members’ content. I may not have included all the features that other people need, but they seem to be willing to help (my needs do not relate to the adult industry). There is a price to pay for this additional coding work, of course.
I have a developer that is creating a bespoke site for me (php/js). We are in the final testing phase, but I may still pay for the additional coding from aMember as a backup because I would be interested to see how they do it (and it allows me to create a separate site utilizing the familiar WordPress platform). I suppose if I paid for the initial work, it may open up the adapted aMember script to others for less.
Once my site has gone through testing, I will share the URL so you can see it. I am also happy to share information about where I found the developer (if I am asked for it).
I wonder if @nimeshrmr can offer a solution that uses the WP Private Content Plus plugin?
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