Option for URL to Confirm order of products on Affiliate site.
Great plugin!
I would suggest to crate field for “order url on affiliate sites”, which would lead to affiliate sites “Amazon, eBay etc” and add products to their cart automatically.
There are some plugins and themes capable of this feature, specially those for Amazon and eBay…
Generally it works only as a list of products “saved” links, so when visitor confirms the order of the products in the cart, it opens the real sellers “affiliate” site with all those products already in the cart on their page, so visitor has to go thru their payment process…
Perfect solution would be if it would already have links loaded/hidden and presented as option “use cart for affiliate?” and then some major sites like “Amazon, eBay etc…”
If you need link of those themes and plugins that are capable of this I can dig them out for you…
hope you also see it as very useful…
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