I use just the built-in phpmyadmin export to export my [prefix]_db and also make a separate backup for the posts table. In addition, I use CPanel to make the same but gzipped because restore from backup is easier. Regardless, both of these backups ensure that I have access to my data, which personally I find more important than ease of use (I don’t have to play by anyone else’s rules), but I can see why this solution may not fit everyone else. Personally, I only use the absolute bare-minimum of plugins if I can help it. You wouldn’t rent a Uhaul for a single cardboard box, or rent a limo to drive to the bank; often times, less can be more. Each plugin populates your database and disk and if you, like me, want to shrink your database from 30MB to 3MB, you run the risk of dropping your entire database, also like me twenty minutes after I wrote my original post. In said case, I couldn’t get my backups to work, but manually created them from information stored in my backups. An edge case? Sure, but what if I couldn’t restore from backup through plugin?
IMO & tl;dr If you can access your databases directly, export copies, at least twice a week. Do your Home Directory once a week. Any plugin that requires you to be logged in to worpress (i.e. isn’t easily accessible as .sql or .sql.gz files on your hard disk) then I’d look for a new plugin ASAP.
Sidenote: Yoast doesn’t hang anymore, not sure why.