@one3rdnerd We’re sorry that you are experiencing problems with our plugin and know how frustrating it is to see the optimization failed to complete. We understand that you are getting the error below when trying to run the SEO data optimization.
Oops, something has gone wrong and we couldn’t complete the optimization of your SEO data. Please click the button again to re-start the process.
First, I want to assure you that not performing the optimization process will not affect your site negatively in search results. Additionally, the optimization process will run silently in the background as content on your site is created, modified, or removed. As the optimization process makes our plugin work more efficiently, let’s look into what might be causing this on your site. If you’d like to skip directly to the next steps, we have summarized our findings at the end of these instructions.
We have seen this notice appear for sites where the previously optimized data is invalid or when there is a plugin or theme conflict. We’ll start with a reset of the optimization to make sure we’ve cleared out previously optimized data. You may be hesitant to reset data, but we can assure you that this does not undo any of the hard work you’ve done when it comes to the SEO of your content.
To reset the data, please follow these steps:
? Install & activate the?Yoast Test Helper?plugin
? Go to your WordPress admin dashboard > Tools (sidebar) > Yoast Test
? Locate the Yoast SEO section and click on the ‘Reset indexables tables & migrations’, ‘Reset Prominent words calculation’, and ‘Reset Internal link counter’ buttons. After each click, the page will reload to confirm that each reset was successful.
Now that we have removed any previously stored data, we’ll need to rerun the data optimization. You have a few options to run the SEO data migration:
? Inside the WordPress admin area:?This is the method where you saw the above error.
? Use the?WP-CLI commands:?This requires access to your server through a terminal service. Your web host may be able to help. If you have a large site, we highly recommend this method.
If the optimization completes successfully after the reset, you are ready to start using Yoast SEO and its features.
If the SEO data optimization doesn’t complete after the reset, we’ll need to gather some information from your browser to determine the next steps. Please open your browser’s console and check for any JavaScript errors. If you’re not familiar with your browser console, we have a guide that will help:?How to find JavaScript errors with your browser’s console.
We have a list of known error codes?here?(step 6) with recommended solutions. If the error is not listed or you have questions about the error, please provide us with a screenshot of the error.
Summary of findings
The most common causes are invalid previously stored data or a conflict with a plugin or theme on your site. The next steps are:
Can you please inform us of the results?