Yeah, that is slow.
In fact, your site has trouble enough that is unable to process the page sometimes.
Those 404 errors hurt you but should be easy to fix.
Your biggest single problem is the ‘first byte’ time– over 9 seconds. This one is hard. It indicates backend processing time, which would include PHP processing, database queries, and whatever Apache has to do to load the page, such as process your .htaccess file.
Secondly, I can’t imaging why “Facebook Page Promoter Lightbox” needs a css file that takes 5.5 seconds to download.
Ok, reran the test with much different results.
And again:
Subsequent tests show your problem to be the large number of images you are loading, mostly from FaceBook by the look of it.
Fix the 404 and kill that popup on page load and you should be fine. But watch your load time, the server may be choking more frequently that you want.
I know these popup things are becoming popular, but back in the early days of the web, forced popup windows very similar to these were very popular and the backlash against them nearly killed Javascript. I do like those ‘thickbox’ like windows in some circumstances, but not when they interrupt what I am trying to do, and when you force me to wait for that thing then click out of it, it is disruptive. Frankly, if a page throws up a window like that, I don’t go back to the site.