Hi @danny96 and @sdagency!
Joseph from Imagify here!
I’m thinking that when you upload your images, they are being scaled by WordPress’ Big Image Threshold, which resizes images down to a max of 2560px wide if they are wider, and then adds a -scaled to the end of the image’s name. When this happens, both of the following files will be saved in your wp-content/uploads/ folder:
When this is the case, Imagify only optimizes the -scaled version and leaves the original version unoptimized. When you click an image in the media library, it will list URLs to both the -scaled version and the original image. Are you copying the original image or the -scaled version when you copy the link?
If you want to link to the optimized version of the image, use the -scaled URL.
If you want to use WordPress’ responsive images, then you should use an image block instead of a code block, and you can follow these steps:
1) Click image block in the post editing page
2) Select image from your media library or upload one
3) If you view the code, this should give you what you need to trigger WordPress’ responsive images
4) If WebP image display is turned off in Imagify, you should get the following output for the image when you actually view the page:
5) If the “Use <picture> tags” option for WebP display is enabled, then you should get this output so WebP images are displayed for browsers that support them
If the “Use rewrite rules” option is used, it will still look like step 4, but the rewrite rules will work in the background to serve the WebP images. You can use this guide for checking that they are being displayed in that case:
Let me know how this works for you both, and I’ll be glad to continue assisting if needed!
Best regards,