• I just read about OpenID (maybe I’m a little behind), but it’s not working innately on my wordpress domain. I have found the Scatmania hack, and while it says I need WPv1.5, it doesn’t say whether it’s 1.5 exclusively (as in not 2.x) or whether that means anything above 1.5. Last week someone said how great it worked, but that still doesn’t answer whether they had an older version still up.

    Is there a better answer yet, than hacking up my WP files? Can anyone tell me if they’ve had success with the Scat-hack on WPv2.x?

    Thank you.

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  • There seems to be a working WordPress Plugin here (I haven’t tested it):


    Not the friendliest of plugins Kerim. It failed to create some needed tables at first because it didn’t add a trailing slash to my domain name. Then it told me I didn’t have GMP or BCMath support so it was operating in ‘Dumb Mode,’ whatever that means. Would be nice if OpenID was supported in WP’s Core. Does anyone know if they’re working on it for v2.5?

    There both exactly the same link provided by Kerim.

    I was wondering if Open ID is being integrated into WP Core?

    I’d really doubt it, but you could ask over on the Hackers list. The developers tend to avoid the support forums.

    I guess the main “problem” about OpenID intergration, as reported by Matt on the wp-hackers list in Oct. 2005 <https://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/wp-hackers/2005-October/002969.html&gt;, is that currently it exists lots of identification methods and none of them tend to be universally adopted. Moreover, the next reply tells a way to identificate other than just for blogs would be much more interesting, more ‘universal’. So, I doubt too OpenID would ever make in WP Core.

    But do you think Jabber ID could in any way be used as that ‘universal identifier’ ?

    I think OpenID has essentially emerged victorious in this. That post from 2005 is really outdated (as you’ll see if you try to look up any of the others he mentioned). I’d hope to see the OpenID stuff make it into the core sooner rather than later.

    Regarding Jabber …. I know there’s a web/jabber-id project, but I’d have to say that I don’t think it’s a good login identifier. The key to the OpenID system is that (similar to CardSpace — they are essentially compatible) you get to choose which infromation you make available to sites that you log into using your ID. Some sites can require that you include certain pieces of information (like your email, or real name, or whatever) but you don’t implicitly give them access to anything else.

    Doing the same thing with JabberIDs would require quite a bit of modification to the Jabber spec (currently your ID/vcard access is basically all or nothing) and would require web sites to implement a Jabber login themselves so the website could log into Jabber to check your ID in some way…

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    I get the idea of OpenID, but I’m fuzzy on the spec. It seems like overkill to me. I’m not sure where/how WordPress could benefit from having something like this. What’s the real goal here?

    There’s a thread on Ideas for this now (go here to vote for it):

    Otto, WordPress would benefit from giving readers the ability to register an identity easily on any WordPress blog with one set of details, instead of having to create a new login and password for every blog. This would then mean that blog owners could turn off anonymous commenting, in turn cutting down hugely on spam.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Christiaan: Anonymous commenting is hardly the largest source of spam. Most comment spam is done by automatic systems using the trackback functionality. Requiring users to register to comment just means that most users won’t comment.

    This doesn’t seem to me like it would help much with spam, it would just decrease real comments.

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