Hi @raunhar,
I think I’m going to add this as a new feature. I didn’t originally because it’s considered bad form–especially with mobile devices–to force a link to open in a new tab/window, and preferable to leave the option up to the user; however, I think there are use-cases that make it a good idea.
In the meantime, if you want all your Menu In Post dropdowns to open in a new tab/window, you can modify the code in /wp-content/plugins/menu-in-post/js/main.js to look like this:
function () {
function () {
window.open(jQuery(this).val(), "_blank");
That will force the dropdown to open its links in a new tab/window, depending on how the user’s browser is configured.
I will post back here when I have an updated version of the plugin that adds the functionality.