Hi Mike,
I think that the plugin that you have on your server is not the 2.0.4, because I just bought it, and I only have the 2.0.0 version. I downloaded and installed both the Job Manager plugin and Indeed Integration this weekend. In fact, I bought Indeed Integration 3 days ago.
Two days ago, you said that the latest version was 2.0.1. I have asked you 3 times where can I download the updated versions that you have been making over the last 3 days, and you have not yet answered. Your upgrades are currently not available through my dashboard, your website, or Github. For the 4th time, please tell me specifically where I can get the newest versions.
Meanwhile, I have fixed the problem. It was so simple that you could have just told be from the very beginning. For anyone having a problem with indeed jobs opening in the same window as your website, please change the following in /wp-job-manager-indeed-integration/templates/content-indeed-job-listing.php
<a href="<?php echo $indeed_job->url; ?>" onmousedown="<?php echo $indeed_job->onmousedown; ?>">
Change to:
<a href="<?php echo $indeed_job->url; ?>" target="_blank"<?php echo $indeed_job->onmousedown; ?>">
I am leaving this open until you tell me where to get updated versions.