• Resolved BigDogSF


    Hey SP Developer,

    Some of the “other” syndication plugins offer a lightbox feature that opens the full article link in a pop-up lightbox instead of taking the user away from my website..is there anyway this could be done with syndicate press?

    I keep coming back to SP because in the end its lightweight footprint and ease of use beats the heck out of these other plugins.



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  • Plugin Author SP developer


    Hi BigDogSF,
    That’s an interesting idea and nice from a usability perspective. We will put it on the feature idea list. I think it will take some noodling to see if it can be done in a manner that respects publishers right to have their syndicated feeds drive traffic back to their site… That seems like the crux of the issue right now…

    Thoughts on this?

    Best regards,
    SP Developer

    Thread Starter BigDogSF


    Check out the Feedwordpress and wp rss multi importer, they both offer this feature…

    I prefer your plugin because it provides a much faster load and does not clog up my server data bases.

    Both of these plugins actually open the feeds originating website in lightbox popup…which looks really good.

    Let me know what it would cost to add this feature, and I will see what I can contribute to the costs.


    Plugin Author SP developer


    Hi BigDogSF,
    Opening the originating website article page in the lightbox would still ensure that the feed publisher’s content and link back is honored.

    I have some VERY LIGHTWEIGHT lightbox code that I developed for an embedded device webserver that I think would work nicely for this.

    I am buried at my “real job” this week, so I will try to get to this next week.

    Your offer to contribute is very kind and VERY appreciated. If you like, donors get a link to their sites on our donors page. ?? I am considering adding a list of donors in the Donation SP Admin panel. A donation of $50 or more would be very helpful, but as always, my belief regarding open source project donations is that it is really up to the donor. There is a TON of work and time that has been put into the SP plugin, but again, it’s about what you feel the value is that you are getting from the plugin.

    Best regards,
    SP Developer

    Thread Starter BigDogSF


    I can appreciate the amount of time it has taken you to develop this plugin. Did you check out my site? It’s https://www.collectorsbluebook.com. I’ve been doing beta testing and am about to do a launch announcement to almost 10,000 collectible industry groups, dealers, collectors and resources.

    Scroll down the front page and click on any of the “Industry Partner” NewsFeed QuickLinks.

    I will send you a $50 donation later today.


    Plugin Author SP developer


    Hi BigDogSF,
    thanks a bunch for the donation.

    I have started implementing this feature. I have some initial prototype code (pretty rough right now) up on the SP test site. It is a proof of concept that will need to be productionalized prior to release.

    Anyway, I intend for the admin to be able to edit the css styling of the lightbox and the size, etc…

    You can see the lightbox prototype here: https://syndicatepress.henryranch.net/documentation/changelog/

    For each article, you can click the little ‘LB’ link near the title.

    Again, this is just an initial proof of concept for testing purposes.

    Best regards,
    SP Developer

    Thread Starter BigDogSF


    Hey SP!

    Thanks for the heads-up. You are on the right track…this is exactly what the other plugins are doing with lightbox.

    The other plugins don’t offer any customization on the lightbox and if the customizations are easy to do in the admin area, you will be ahead of the game.

    Would all the article links (title etc…) open the source site in lightbox?


    Plugin Author SP developer


    Hi BigDogSF,
    Send your email address to [email protected]. I have an early release to send to you if you want to try it out. It will be tonight that I send it to you.

    SP Developer

    Thread Starter BigDogSF


    U Bet. I will keep an eye out for it.


    Plugin Author SP developer


    Hi BigDogSF,
    this feature has been officially delivered in version 1.0.29. we have not yet resolved the css issue with chrome. If you come up with a solution, let us know. Thanks for your support and ideas on this feature!

    Best Regards,
    SP Developer

    Thread Starter BigDogSF


    No solution yet.

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