Viewing 12 replies - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)
  • Thread Starter dreliance


    I tried to enable “add hidden debug info” but nothing is saving when I change options in the interface.

    Plugin Author JS Morisset


    This error means that when the WordPress update_option() function was called, that function returned an error.

    Have a look at the “Debug the Back-End” section here

    Hopefully WordPress will throw an error that can be seen in the debug.log.


    Plugin Author JS Morisset


    Any update on this?


    Thread Starter dreliance


    I enabled debugging and didn’t get back to it for a day. The file is 338mb now. I deleted it and started fresh. You weren’t kidding when you said it would potentially fill up a filesystem.

    In any case, hopefully some of this is relevant and sheds some light on the issue.

    I substituted /directory/ for the actual directory

    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB SucomDebug                :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB SucomNotice               :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbUtil                  :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbOptions               :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB SucomCache                :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB SucomScript               :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB SucomWebpage              :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbUser                  :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbPostMeta              :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbMedia                 :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbHead                  :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbOpengraph             :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB SucomStyle                :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbStyle                 :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbSocial                :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbSocialFacebook        :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbSocialGplus           :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbSocialTwitter         :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbSocialLinkedin        :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbSocialManagewp        :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbSocialPinterest       :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbSocialStumbleupon     :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbSocialTumblr          :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbSocial                :: add_filter               : filter_get_the_excerpt() added
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbSocial                :: add_filter               : filter_the_excerpt() added
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbSocial                :: add_filter               : filter_the_content() added
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbOptions               :: check_options            : ngfb_options version different than saved
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbOptionsUpgrade        :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbOptions               :: get_defaults             : read css from file /home/directory/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-facebook/css/social-buttons.css
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbOptions               :: get_defaults             : read css from file /home/directory/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-facebook/css/excerpt-buttons.css
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbOptions               :: get_defaults             : read css from file /home/directory/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-facebook/css/content-buttons.css
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbOptions               :: get_defaults             : read css from file /home/directory/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-facebook/css/shortcode-buttons.css
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbOptions               :: get_defaults             : read css from file /home/directory/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-facebook/css/widget-buttons.css
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: Ngfb::$msg in /home/directory/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-facebook/lib/options.php on line 408
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbMessages              :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB SucomNotice               :: log                      : storing nag message for user 5:
    					<style type="text/css">.sucom-update-nag p { font-size:1.05em; }</style>
    					<p>Have you considered encouraging the continued development and support of NGFB Open Graph+ by purchasing the Pro version?</p>
    					<p>NGFB Open Graph+ Pro supports several types of Twitter Cards, including the <em>Gallery</em>, <em>Player</em> and <em>Product</em>
    					Cards, allows you to customize the meta tags of individual Posts and Pages, and integrates with a growing list of 3rd party plugins.</p>
    					<p><strong>Improve your social presence on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc. by providing these social websites
    					complete and accurate meta tags, correctly sized images, information on your products and embedded videos</strong>.</p>
    					<p>Upgrading to the Pro version is simple and takes just one or two minutes - <br/>
    					<a href="" target="_blank">purchase a NGFB Open Graph+ Pro license right now</a>.</p>
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbOptions               :: save_options             : failed to save the upgraded ngfb_options settings.
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB SucomNotice               :: log                      : storing err message for user 5: Plugin settings have been upgraded, but WordPress returned an error when saving them.
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbSocial                :: get_js                   : exiting early: no buttons enabled
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB SucomDebug                :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB SucomNotice               :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbUtil                  :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbOptions               :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB SucomCache                :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB SucomScript               :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB SucomWebpage              :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbUser                  :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbPostMeta              :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbMedia                 :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbHead                  :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbOpengraph             :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB SucomStyle                :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbStyle                 :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbSocial                :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbSocialFacebook        :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbSocialGplus           :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbSocialTwitter         :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbSocialLinkedin        :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbSocialManagewp        :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbSocialPinterest       :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbSocialStumbleupon     :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbSocialTumblr          :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbSocial                :: add_filter               : filter_get_the_excerpt() added
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbSocial                :: add_filter               : filter_the_excerpt() added
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbSocial                :: add_filter               : filter_the_content() added
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbOptions               :: check_options            : ngfb_options version different than saved
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbOptionsUpgrade        :: __construct              : mark
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbOptions               :: get_defaults             : read css from file /home/directory/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-facebook/css/social-buttons.css
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbOptions               :: get_defaults             : read css from file /home/directory/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-facebook/css/excerpt-buttons.css
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbOptions               :: get_defaults             : read css from file /home/directory/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-facebook/css/content-buttons.css
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbOptions               :: get_defaults             : read css from file /home/directory/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-facebook/css/shortcode-buttons.css
    [12-Jan-2014 05:49:08 UTC] NGFB NgfbOptions               :: get_defaults             : read css from file /home/directory/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-facebook/css/widget-buttons.css
    Plugin Author JS Morisset


    This one is an easy fix, but doesn’t affect the saving of options…

    HP Notice:  Undefined property: Ngfb::$msg in /home/directory/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-facebook/lib/options.php on line 408

    I checked the WP docs and the wp-includes/option.php code in case update_option() saved/reported its errors, but it doesn’t appear that it does. That function offers a lot of filter/action hooks though, so I wonder if another plugin might be causing some conflicts.

    Would you mind deactivating other plugins to see if the error goes away?



    Thread Starter dreliance


    I do have a bunch of plugins installed so that makes sense. Would you mind scanning this list to see if anything seems like it would be a good place to start/known suspect.

    Add Link to Facebook
    All-in-One Event Calendar by Timely
    BadgeOS Community Add-On
    bbPress Post Toolbar
    Better Delete Revision
    Better WP Security
    BP + NEXTGEN Gallery Integrate
    BuddyPress Profile Progression
    Cherry Plugin
    Contact Form 7
    Content Aware Sidebars
    Dashboard Forum Activity
    DB Cache Reloaded Fix
    Digg Digg
    Easy Social Icons
    Events Manager
    EWWW Image Optimizer
    Force Regenerate Thumbnails
    GD bbPress Attachments
    GD bbPress Tools
    Google Analytics for WordPress
    Hyper Cache
    Link Library
    Login With Ajax
    MailChimp for WordPress Lite
    Manage Upload Types oEmbeds - Easily embed events
    Meetup Widgets
    NextGEN Gallery by Photocrati
    NextGEN Gallery Image Optimizer
    NextGEN Public Uploader
    NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster
    NGFB Open Graph+
    P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler)
    RSS Multi Importer
    Smart Donations
    Social Login
    Text Control
    Varnish HTTP Purge
    White Label CMS
    WordPress Pop Up Plugin
    WordPress SEO
    WP Custom Admin Bar
    WP DB Optimizer
    WP Health Check
    WP User Avatar
    Youtube Sidebar Widget
    Plugin Author JS Morisset


    That’s quite a list.

    Deactivate them one by one until the error goes away, and then you’ll know. ??


    Thread Starter dreliance


    I disabled them one by one and I was quickly met with some pretty serious issues. Unable to login to the admin side before long to re-enable the disabled plugins. I restored to the previous day’s backup and removed open graph. Everything else seems to be working. Sorry, I won’t be able to do much more troubleshooting, I can’t risk another database restore.

    Plugin Author JS Morisset


    You disabled plugins and lost access to your admin interface? Wow – sounds like you have some serious issues. WordPress should be able to function without *any* plugins.

    I’m going to close this thread since your issue is not related to NGFB Open Graph+. If you find which plugin is preventing updates to the options table, let me know.


    Thread Starter dreliance


    It does function with no plugins, in fact it functions with all except NGFB Open Graph+ which is how it is running now.

    Disabling plugins caused problems that may or may not have been caused by caching plugins. Any any case, I am open to additional testing but won’t be able to do much with enabling/disabling plugins.

    Plugin Author JS Morisset


    So all plugins are disabled, including NGFB Open Graph+, but if you enable NGFB Open Graph+ (and no other plugin), your site become nonfunctional?


    Thread Starter dreliance


    If all plugins except NGFB Open Graph are enabled, the site seems to work fine.

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