• Hi. I’ve been experiencing a major issue with my WordPress site since yesterday morning and it would be great to get feedback on how to resolve it immediately because my website publishes content on a daily basis.

    The primary issue is an error box that appears at the top of my page above my header. It reads as follows:

    “OOPS!!! Page Not Found
    The page you tried to access does not exist on this server. This page may not exist due to the following reasons…”

    And it can be seen at https://www.blaremagazine.com

    I’m not positive if it is related but the site’s headings and body text are now center-aligned. The functions on the website work, it’s just the error box bumps the entire website down and the text is in a different alignment. After contacting GoDaddy’s support and going through various solutions, I’ve tried switching themes and disabling plugins and the only that seems to disable the two issues above is deactivating the WP Ajax Grid plugin. However, it has been functional with my website for quite sometime and I haven’t made any significant internal changes since Thursday January 17th 2013.

    These two issues are popular amongst other WordPress websites at the moment that use different plugins, themes and web hosts so chances are it could be an internal bug.

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  • Im having same problem. Please anyone help us find solution(im using godaddy aswell ) but im using different template.

    If it is a theme that is from somewhere besides the repository on this site – unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do to help. These forums only support Core WP, Themes and Plugin from this site.

    You might consider hiring someone: https://jobs.wordpress.net/

    It’s also never a good idea to modify any theme directly – that’s where you should be using a child theme.

    @theflare – please read the steps that have been suggested above.

    Im’ using only 3 plugins WPyogi and i deacitvated all of them. No help at all, it appeared of nothing, I didint modify it anything a and my site was ok and suddenly it appeared. Any way we can hide it? Even if not to fix it, simply hide it before solution is found.

    @theflare: As per the Forum Welcome, please post your own topic. Posting in an existing topic prevents us from being able to track issues by topic. Added to which, your problem – despite any similarity in symptoms – is likely to be completely different.

    Please do not post in two threads — see your other thread.

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