I edited vars.php to change my smilies and I got this error when I uploaded:
Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, expecting ‘)’ in /home/thefad3/public_html/wp-includes/vars.php on line 133
Htere’s the vars.php:
/* This file sets various arrays and variables for use in WordPress */
require(ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/version.php');
# Translation of invalid Unicode references range to valid range
$wp_htmltranswinuni = array(
'€' => '€', // the Euro sign
'' => '',
'‚' => '‚', // these are Windows CP1252 specific characters
'ƒ' => 'ƒ', // they would look weird on non-Windows browsers
'„' => '„',
'…' => '…',
'†' => '†',
'‡' => '‡',
'ˆ' => 'ˆ',
'‰' => '‰',
'Š' => 'Š',
'‹' => '‹',
'Œ' => 'Œ',
'' => '',
'Ž' => 'ž',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'‘' => '‘',
'’' => '’',
'“' => '“',
'”' => '”',
'•' => '•',
'–' => '–',
'—' => '—',
'˜' => '˜',
'™' => '™',
'š' => 'š',
'›' => '›',
'œ' => 'œ',
'' => '',
'ž' => '',
'Ÿ' => 'Ÿ'
// On which page are we ?
$pagenow = explode('/', $PHP_SELF);
$pagenow = trim($pagenow[(sizeof($pagenow)-1)]);
$pagenow = explode('?', $pagenow);
$pagenow = $pagenow[0];
if (($querystring_start == '/') && ($pagenow != 'post.php')) {
$pagenow = get_settings('siteurl') . '/' . get_settings('blogfilename');
// Simple browser detection
$is_lynx = 0; $is_gecko = 0; $is_winIE = 0; $is_macIE = 0; $is_opera = 0; $is_NS4 = 0;
if (!isset($HTTP_USER_AGENT)) {
if (preg_match('/Lynx/', $HTTP_USER_AGENT)) {
$is_lynx = 1;
} elseif (preg_match('/Gecko/', $HTTP_USER_AGENT)) {
$is_gecko = 1;
} elseif ((preg_match('/MSIE/', $HTTP_USER_AGENT)) && (preg_match('/Win/', $HTTP_USER_AGENT))) {
$is_winIE = 1;
} elseif ((preg_match('/MSIE/', $HTTP_USER_AGENT)) && (preg_match('/Mac/', $HTTP_USER_AGENT))) {
$is_macIE = 1;
} elseif (preg_match('/Opera/', $HTTP_USER_AGENT)) {
$is_opera = 1;
} elseif ((preg_match('/Nav/', $HTTP_USER_AGENT) ) || (preg_match('/Mozilla\/4\./', $HTTP_USER_AGENT))) {
$is_NS4 = 1;
$is_IE = (($is_macIE) || ($is_winIE));
// browser-specific javascript corrections
$wp_macIE_correction['in'] = array(
'/\%uFFD4/', '/\%uFFD5/', '/\%uFFD2/', '/\%uFFD3/',
'/\%uFFA5/', '/\%uFFD0/', '/\%uFFD1/', '/\%uFFBD/',
'/\%uFF83%uFFC0/', '/\%uFF83%uFFC1/', '/\%uFF83%uFFC6/', '/\%uFF83%uFFC9/',
'/\%uFFB9/', '/\%uFF81%uFF8C/', '/\%uFF81%uFF8D/', '/\%uFF81%uFFDA/',
$wp_macIE_correction['out'] = array(
'‘', '’', '“', '”',
'•', '–', '—', 'Ω',
'β', 'γ', 'θ', 'λ',
'π', '′', '″', '∠',
$wp_gecko_correction['in'] = array(
'/\?¢a????/', '/\?¢a??a?¢/', '/\?¢a???“/', '/\?¢a????/',
'/\?¢a???¢/', '/\?¢a??a€?/', '/\?¢a??a€?/', '/\????/',
'/\???2/', '/\???3/', '/\????/', '/\????/',
'/\??a??/', '/\?¢a???2/', '/\?¢a???3/', '/\?¢??/',
'/\?¢a€???/', '/\?¢a??a€°/'
$wp_gecko_correction['out'] = array(
'&8216;', '’', '“', '”',
'•', '–', '—', 'Ω',
'β', 'γ', 'θ', 'λ',
'π', '′', '″', '∠',
'€', ' '
// Server detection
$is_apache = strstr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Apache') ? 1 : 0;
$is_IIS = strstr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Microsoft-IIS') ? 1 : 0;
// if the config file does not provide the smilies array, let's define it here
if (!isset($wpsmiliestrans)) {
$wpsmiliestrans = array(
' :)' => 'smile.gif',
' >:(' => 'angry.gif',
':hippie:' => 'artistic.gif',
':blah:' => 'blah.gif',
':blank:' => 'blank.gif',
':blush:' => 'embarrassed.gif',
':eff:' => 'fuckyou.gif',
':geek:' => 'geeky.gif',
':hehe:' => 'giggly.gif',
':spin:' => 'hyper.gif',
':jealous:' => 'jealous.gif',
':love:' => 'love.gif',
':moody:' => 'moody.gif',
':k:' => 'okay.gif',
':jump:' => 'silly.gif',
':idea:' => 'thoughtful.gif',
':tired:' => 'tired.gif',
':workin:' => 'working.gif',
':furious:' => 'enraged.gif',
' :D' => 'bouncy.gif',
' :(' => 'sad.gif',
' :o' => 'hot.gif',
':shock:' => 'hot.gif',
' :?' => 'confused.gif'
' :/' => 'discontent.gif'
':sexy:' => 'flirty.gif',
' :x' => 'stressed.gif',
':mad:' => 'annoyed.gif',
' :P' => 'tongue.gif',
':oops:' => 'worried.gif',
' >:):' => 'devious.gif',
':evolve:' => 'weird.gif',
' ;)' => 'wink.gif',
':high:' => 'high.gif',
' :|' => 'determined.gif',
':awake:' => 'surprised.gif',
' :s:' => 'sick.gif',
// sorts the smilies' array
if (!function_exists('smiliescmp')) {
function smiliescmp ($a, $b) {
if (strlen($a) == strlen($b)) {
return strcmp($a, $b);
return (strlen($a) > strlen($b)) ? -1 : 1;
uksort($wpsmiliestrans, 'smiliescmp');
// generates smilies' search & replace arrays
foreach($wpsmiliestrans as $smiley => $img) {
$wp_smiliessearch[] = $smiley;
$smiley_masked = str_replace(' ', '', $smiley);
$wp_smiliesreplace[] = " <img src='" . get_settings('siteurl') . "/wp-images/smilies/$img' alt='$smiley_masked' />";
// Path for cookies
define('COOKIEPATH', preg_replace('|https://[^/]+|i', '', get_settings('home') . '/' ) );
// Some default filters
add_filter('category_description', 'wptexturize');
add_filter('list_cats', 'wptexturize');
add_filter('comment_author', 'wptexturize');
add_filter('comment_text', 'wptexturize');
add_filter('single_post_title', 'wptexturize');
add_filter('the_title', 'wptexturize');
add_filter('the_content', 'wptexturize');
add_filter('the_excerpt', 'wptexturize');
add_action('wp_head', 'doGeoUrlHeader');
line 133 is' :/' => 'discontent.gif'
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