• Hello,

    After upgrading to WP 3.9, I noticed that when editing the article automatically removes me onmouseover and onmouseout variables of the images and when it is inserted and removed them anyway, and sets one image.

    It is a bug or something changed? how to set the WP to now when you hover your mouse on the image display to another?

    Ps. I’m using TinyMCE Advanced further, but also after the update plugins (4.0) do not see such an option where you were earlier.

    Ps2. Sorry for my english ;p.

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  • Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    I’m using TinyMCE Advanced

    I’m pretty sure you’ve got a plugin conflict, can you disable TinyMCE Advanced and retest?

    Thread Starter TTBoS


    I’m pretty sure you’ve got a plugin conflict, can you disable TinyMCE Advanced and retest?

    I go “Remove Settings” > “Diisable TinyMCE Advanced” > complete Delete “TinyMCE Advanced” and checked without plug but still WP removes onmouseover and onmouseout me with pictures.

    Re install plug but still same problem.

    Ps. In clear instalation WP 3.9 without any plug is same bug when i add code

    <a title="Dziennik Diablo III" href="/dziennik-diablo-iii/"><img onmouseover="this.src='https://tristram.net.pl/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/dziennik-diabloiii-mini-on.jpg';" onmouseout="this.src='https://tristram.net.pl/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/dziennik-diabloiii-mini-off.jpg';" alt="dziennik-diabloiii-mini-off" src="https://tristram.net.pl/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/dziennik-diabloiii-mini-on.jpg" height="130" width="250"></a>

    WP 3.9 in save convert to

    <a title="Dziennik Diablo III" href="/dziennik-diablo-iii/"><img src="https://tristram.net.pl/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/dziennik-diabloiii-mini-off.jpg" alt="dziennik-diabloiii-mini-off" width="250" height="130" /></a>


    Thread Starter TTBoS


    Anyone can help? throughout the night spent at the WP 3.9 I am 100% convinced that it was his fault that removes the onmouseover and onmouseout code.

    Someone may know how this new (unfortunately worse) WP do a similar effect as onmouseover and onmouseout gives?

    I’m having the same issue…at first I thought it was due to the new TinyMCE Advanced…but discovered it’s due to WP 3.9

    One more!!

    Exactly the same problem!
    Please, help!!!

    The problem is wen you change into the “view mode”. When changes are done in “text mode”, and update, everything is ok.
    But, if you enter on the other mode (view mode), you loose everything related with “onmouseout/over”

    To temporary fix that issue You must find a way to block the Html related to the “onmousein/out” event, to prevent the new 3.9 editor to alter its content. I have managed to create a Shortcode with the the Html and use it on the post/page. If you cannot hardcode the Shorcode then its better to use the Code Insert Manager Plugin and create there the Shortcode to use on the post/page.. I hope this will help ??

    Thanks, GersonMatos.

    I’m not sure about what you have told, but, I’ll try to find a solution.



    I had the issue of losing onmouseup events on one of my plugins.

    I fixed it by setting an img class in the image editor advanced and then using jquery attached to the img class to fire a writing of the onmouseup attribute when someone onmousedown on the image.

    It’s not as straightforward as just adding the mouse event but it works.


    You welcome Erxino ?? Hope you find a better way. Kevin Heath, that works. It is also possible to use another method that consists in CSS Transitions. It is useful for those who don’t know or don’t want to run Jquery for security reasons. For that you have to edit the CSS of your site “style.css” or other one you use as main CSS Spreadsheet. After that you need to have two images to create the “rollover” effect.. One to Stay on “Top” and the other to stay in “Bottom” which will be revealed when the user “mouseouver′s” the image/icon.

    Adding this Rule to that CSS will create a smooth transition that shows an image on top of another.


    /*  Start of Hoover Img Animation */
    #Hoover_Animation {
      margin:0 auto;
    #Hoover_Animation img {
      -webkit-transition: opacity 0.8s ease-in-out;
      -moz-transition: opacity 0.8s ease-in-out;
      -o-transition: opacity 0.8s ease-in-out;
      transition: opacity 0.8s ease-in-out;
    #Hoover_Animation img.top:hover {
    /*  End of Hoover Img Animation */

    Then in your WordPress Post or Page and better in “text mode” you can paste and edit the HTML markup below replacing the comments i′ve write inside the tags.


    <div id="Hoover_Animation">
    <img class="bottom" src=" Link of Image to show when the User Hoover " alt=" some cool Meta Here " /><a title=" some other cool Meta Here " href=" your urls link here " target="_blank">
    <img class="top" src=" Link of Image to show on top and when the User Hoover Out " alt=" <strong>some cool Meta Here " /></a>

    Original Concept By CSS3 = Awesome

    Yeah!, GersonMatos, I did it!!

    Now, “view mode” is awful, but, at least, it works!!!

    Many thanks!

    Hi erxino, you are welcome. Glad to know it worked! I am confident that WordPress Dev team will fix that issue on the next updates.

    “End of Line” ??

    Thinking about it – and this is totally theoretical and not tested.

    If you set the img class in the image advanced editor could you not try and use css with z-index so that when you hover over the image a background imgage is called that overlays the normal image?

    mmmm that might be something I will play with later this evening.

    We’re experiencing it too. The both onmouseover and onmouseout instances show in the code, are saved when updating, and work on the site. They continue to show in the code work when visually editing until I close the page being edited in my browser and reopen… Oddly, though it then no longer shows in the code being edited, it IS still working on the live version and can be seen when using the browser to show source of the live file unless I miss the change and click Update in the editor.


    For now I just manually reapply the fix on pages being edited but am eagerly anticipating a fix in WP.


    Any progress here? Each of our buy buttons rely on mouseover/mouseout animation and if we so much as view a page with them while in Visual mode WP strips the onmouseout and onmouseover actions with any update or publish. If we have to touch or view them visually we must recreate each in HTML view before updating. This started with 3.9 and persists through the latest updates and even with all plugins disabled.

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