• hi, i’m new to wordpress, is there anyway i can design my template using design view in dreamweaver or something? instead of editing codes in code view only?

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  • As I said in another thread: you can design a mockup, a draft in any program. Be it DW design view, Photoshop, simple HTML… whatever. That’s the visual aspect of it.
    When that part is done and you know what you want, the “picture” has to be converted to a WordPress theme (themes are built of several template files).
    Good info about design:
    And before you complain about lack of knowledge in PHP:

    Thread Starter zh2908


    erm, i’ve actually done the mockup in simple HTML already. how do i convert to a WordPress theme then? sorry, really no idea how to figure that out. tried to look at the link you provided a few hours ago, but found nothing specific enough for me.

    my understanding as of now is i can only edit the codes. which i seriously doubt is the only option. so perhaps you can teach me how i can actually convert to the WordPress Theme? is there a software that generates that or wat?

    No. The only way is to edit the code.
    All the info is there on the Codex. If you have basic html and CSS knowledge then you will be able to do it. If this is the first time you see a code – it will be a bit harder, though not impossible.
    Another option: there are about 300 themes: https://themes.wordpress.net/ – pick one.

    Thread Starter zh2908


    oh ok, if thats the case, what do i have to save my file as? is it possible everything can be done in 1 file? or there is a need for multiple files like a file for the header, a file for the footer, etc. can everything be combined into 1 instead? if so, what should i save the file as? does it matter? or i can just save the single file as maybe index.php?

    Thread Starter zh2908


    oh, i cant pick a theme from the site because i’m doing a site for an event. so the design hav to be one of its own.

    You definatley should take a look into this: Blog_Design_and_Layout

    Especially the chapters related to “Themes and Templates”

    If you really want to learn how to create your own theme – there is no shortcut. BTW, to use WordPress nobody needs to do that, as there are hundreds of free themes for download. However, if you prefer to go by your own design, you have to take the hard way: download and dissect several themes to see how the template files work together. (This can give you a very basic idea about the interaction of the template files.)
    Theoretically you can have everything in one file (i.e. index.php) but that won’t make your job easier, and gives you much less flexibility in design than the theme system used in WP.
    [Worst case scenario: you can always hire somebody…]

    Thread Starter zh2908


    i did a testing page. saved the following as index.php
    will the following work?

    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=iso-8859-1″>

    <table width=”88%” height=”388″ border=”1″>
    <tr bgcolor=”#CC0000″>
    <td height=”123″ colspan=”2″>banner here</td>
    <tr bgcolor=”#660000″>
    <td height=”23″ colspan=”2″><font color=”#FFFFFF”>links here</font></td>
    <td width=”24%” height=”207″ bgcolor=”#CC0000″>left panel here</td>
    <td width=”76%”><?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
    <?php endwhile; else: ?>
    <?php _e(‘Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.’); ?>
    <?php endif; ?> </td>
    <td height=”23″ colspan=”2″> </td>


    No, it will not. There are no Template_Tags in it. And The_Loop is also not complete.
    Are you trying to make a main page where only the posts from the blog will be included? (and having the blog in another folder?)

    Thread Starter zh2908


    oh, that was just a test page. i need to do something like what you have on https://www.transycan.net/blogtest/

    meaning, a flash banner on the top, followed by a row of links, then a left nav bar instead of a right, content will be on the right, then a footer.

    My friend,
    That theme (called Drak Maple) is downloadable from the site for free and you can modify and tweak it as you like it. It has a readme file and the code is mainly commented.
    I encourage you to download it and play with it.

    Thread Starter zh2908


    hm, i’ve got the complete Loop. will the following work then? saved as index.php also.

    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=iso-8859-1″>

    <table width=”88%” height=”388″ border=”1″>
    <tr bgcolor=”#CC0000″>
    <td height=”123″ colspan=”2″>banner here</td>
    <tr bgcolor=”#660000″>
    <td height=”23″ colspan=”2″><font color=”#FFFFFF”>links here</font></td>
    <td width=”24%” height=”207″ bgcolor=”#CC0000″>left panel here</td>
    <td width=”76%”><?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>

    <?php the_date(”,'<h2>’,'</h2>’); ?>

    <div class=”post” id=”post-<?php the_ID(); ?>”>
    <h3 class=”storytitle”>” rel=”bookmark”><?php the_title(); ?></h3>
    <div class=”meta”><?php _e(“Filed under:”); ?> <?php the_category(‘,’) ?> — <?php the_author() ?> @ <?php the_time() ?> <?php edit_post_link(__(‘Edit This’)); ?></div>

    <div class=”storycontent”>
    <?php the_content(__(‘(more…)’)); ?>

    <div class=”feedback”>
    <?php wp_link_pages(); ?>
    <?php comments_popup_link(__(‘Comments (0)’), __(‘Comments (1)’), __(‘Comments (%)’)); ?>


    <?php comments_template(); // Get wp-comments.php template ?>

    <?php endwhile; else: ?>
    <?php _e(‘Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.’); ?>
    <?php endif; ?> </td>
    <td height=”23″ colspan=”2″> </td>


    Probably will show the posts. Why don’t you try it? Do you have a site and WP installed? EVerybody is doing it by trial and error…
    Though there will be no header, no sidebar, no footer.
    Why do you choose the hard way and not the one given?

    And, please, don’t post long code here, use https://pastebin.com or a similar service.

    Honest, you should first access themes.wordpress.net, and look through all the themes available. There’s probably something you can customize to your liking. It’s infinitely easier to start that way, THEN go on to making your own theme when you have a good feeling for how themes are constructed.

    Also, you might look here: https://www.urbangiraffe.com/2005/04/12/themeguide1/#more-14 – it’s a pretty great guide….

    Thread Starter zh2908


    opps, so sorry for pasting the long codes. i’ll try when i hav access to the site. thanks so much!

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