• Resolved Crssp


    When I first used EG-attachments on my dev site it worked fine.
    Now though, it only shows filename, and caption rather than like in the screenshot:
    Title, Description, File and size…
    Not sure what happened.
    Link: https://goo.gl/cge4B3

    I have tried reinstalling the plugin, etc.
    I also wanted to use the plugin with another plugin to have an easy to attach button like john christophers Attach plugin, but I thought maybe it was the other plugins conflicint with EG-attachments.
    Not sure exactly what’s going on at all ??


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  • Thread Starter Crssp


    Whoaa… ok… this newbie just discovered the Tools | EGA Templates section.
    So maybe it’s just a matter of tweaking my Medium List EGA template for example.
    I probably initially had it set to Large List, and that’s what I wanted and liked, and from there got confused thinking it’s a compatibility or conflict issue with other Attachments plugins I’ve been messing with.

    Thread Starter Crssp


    Yup, that’s all it was…
    Newbie meet the EGA Templates under the Tools menu… they are uber easy!

    thanks for a great plugin then. ??

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