• I’ve been using The Events Calendar for a few years now and it works pretty good. Adding a lot of entries is difficult through the entry form, but the CSV file import works quite well and I use that all the time. Unfortunately the import feature is one of the “fringe” features and I expect it to disappear at any update.

    My biggest complaint is with the update to version 5.0. It asks if you can share data about usage with Modern Tribe for making the software better. What it doesn’t mention is that they also harvest your e-mail address to spam you. There does not appear to be a way to turn this off once you’ve agreed. Very dodgy move.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by jayceland.
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  • Geoff Graham


    Hey @jayceland,

    Sorry for this late reply, but I wanted to reach out and say thanks for this feedback. Most folks leave either 1- or 5-star review, so the fact that you fell somewhere in the middle tells me you’re really thoughtful and took a lot into consideration. Seriously, thanks for that.

    I did want to touch on this:

    Unfortunately the import feature is one of the “fringe” features and I expect it to disappear at any update.

    Rest assured! This is not a fringe feature in our mind and we have no intention of removing it. We know it’s super helpful in many cases and we wouldn’t want to take that away.

    As far as data sharing, I’m super sorry about that! I haven’t heard the same sort of feedback from other folks, so I wonder if something went awry on our end in this specific case. If you reach out to our support team (support [at] theeventscalendar.com) and reference this thread, we’d be happy to look into that for you and remove you from any lists that are causing you to get emailed like that. Definitely not our intention at all!

    Thanks for using the plugin and sharing your experience with the community — it really does mean a lot.


    Importing by CSV in recent weeks has gone to completely unworkable, and I am not the only one with this issue – it started with dates and times, then would not import venues, would not import featued images. Only will import the first few columns in your sample csv file. I stripped all my plugins and went to 2017. Still problems.

    I thought it was fixed, but spoke too soon.

    Please put a top-level developer on this issue. Please. Please. I will give you access to my system.


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