• ok this is odd. i made a comment on my blog, then i tried making another comment to another post and i get that error, “Sorry, you can only post a new comment once every 15 seconds. Slow down cowboy.” why am i getting this when i am the admin of the blog? i didnt change their preferences anywhere.

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  • BTW, the bug occur in my site only if i’m using K2’s ajax live commenting….

    Trying to find were is the mistake in the code

    Found it.

    I think it comes from the daylight saving time.

    When a post is submitted, the code is checking for:

    The actual time (GMT) minus the time of the last post (GMT)

    Every time, that calculation ends up something like -3500

    3600 Seconds is a minute.

    The code won’t allow you to post before an hour…

    To correct:

    In the file: comments-ajax.php

    Find the line

    if ( ($time_newcomment – $time_lastcomment) < 15

    and replace by

    if ( ($time_newcomment – $time_lastcomment) < -3585

    I will transmit the info to the K2 web.

    Note, if not using live commenting, it works OK.

    Right, I’m in thesame situation here. I’ve noticed that the server that hosts my log has had a problem with timing, so that I had some future posts. I tried to edit the timestamps manually, but that didn’t work.

    So, to edit them in the database… where can I find that database again??

    Where do I find comments-ajax.php? I have been looking all over my website and can’t find the file. What folder might it be in?

    MooFoWordpress, doing the above change doesn’t help. It still results in the “wait for 15 seconds” warning.

    Any ideas? I’m changing the comments-ajax.php file in the k2 folder.


    MrCosmo — > The file is in your wp-content/themes/k2/ directory.

    Hey guys this is from the k2 forum and it worked for me:

    Try remove in comments-ajax.php:

    // Simple flood-protection
    if ( ! isset($comment_author_IP) )
    $comment_author_IP = $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’];
    if ( ! isset($comment_date) )
    $comment_date = current_time(‘mysql’);
    if ( ! isset($comment_date_gmt) )
    $comment_date_gmt = gmdate(‘Y-m-d H:i:s’, strtotime($comment_date) );
    if ( ! isset($comment_approved) )
    $comment_approved = 1;

    $comment_user_domain = apply_filters(‘pre_comment_user_domain’, gethostbyaddr($comment_author_IP) );

    if ( $lasttime = $wpdb->get_var(“SELECT comment_date_gmt FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_author_IP = ‘$comment_author_IP’ OR comment_author_email = ‘$comment_author_email’ ORDER BY comment_date DESC LIMIT 1”) ) {
    $time_lastcomment = mysql2date(‘U’, $lasttime);
    $time_newcomment = mysql2date(‘U’, $comment_date_gmt);
    if ( ($time_newcomment – $time_lastcomment) < 15 ) {
    do_action(‘comment_flood_trigger’, $time_lastcomment, $time_newcomment);
    fail(__(‘Sorry, you can only post a new comment once every 15 seconds. Slow down cowboy.’,’k2_domain’) );

    Though there should be a better way to solve this problem as someone may need their flood protection.

    Thank You

    The issue seems to also happen when you are running WP on a VMWare hosted system. VMware has always been wonky about time, after about three weeks my system clock is about a day ahead. If I reboot it at that point it resyncs with the VMWare ESX server clock, and boom, my posts are dated a day or two in the future.

    I disabled the flood-trigger in mine by commenting out the following lines in ./wp-includes/comment-functions.php

    // do_action(‘comment_flood_trigger’, $time_lastcomment,
    // die( __(‘Sorry, you can only post a new comment once
    every 15 seconds. Slow down cowboy.’) );

    And it seems to work wonderfully – (it still checks the timestamp, just doesn’t care or act on what it finds) if I am the recipient of a true flood I’ll probably regret having done this, but as I’ve had a handful of users complain about this particular bug, I felt it more prudent to remove the limitation.



    Why not simply make it a longer period of time then?

    Also, anyway I can make it so that only the User Role of subscriber has a time limit?



    GOT IT and these really works

    Diddy1 was kind of radical, you just have to delete

    if ( ($time_newcomment – $time_lastcomment) < 15 ) {
    do_action(‘comment_flood_trigger’, $time_lastcomment, $time_newcomment);
    fail(__(‘Sorry, you can only post a new comment once every 15 seconds. Slow down cowboy.’,’redo_domain’) );

    This is not a permanet solution. Lets wait for a bug correction. Meanwhile this is a good alternative

    PD: i had the same problem of the 15 seconds, even i waited 10 minutes it said that i have to wait.

    Seven months later, using WP 2.1.3, I just now ran into this same problem. Here’s the extra fun, in the database we have:

    comment_date 2007-05-12 09:41:33
    comment_date_gmt 2007-05-12 17:41:33

    Current system time is 2007-05-12 11:22:50
    Current GMT time is 2007-05-12 19:22:50

    No time-travel issues, the present appears to be the present and the future, the future. Now what?

    Or you could set your computer’s clock and date.

    I’m guessing, at the end of the day, that’s the core issue.

    So I set my current time/date ahead by a MONTH to:

    Current system time is 2007-06-12 11:27:14


    Sorry, you can only post a new comment once every 15 seconds. Slow down cowboy.

    what’s odd is that nothing changed over the past week. i’ve been running WP and K2 for well over a year and never seen this before. i do suspect it’s something on my end, but can’t imagine what. i work all week and only have time to mess around with blogging as a weekend hobby, so not a lot of moving parts in my case. i’ll try from another machine and get back to the thread. thanks for the prompt and helpful ideas.

    So I set my current time/date ahead by a MONTH to:

    I was angling more for having you set your date/time to be correct — presumably to match your web server.

    I know this is digging up an old thread, but this ‘check’ as quoted by Viper007Bond seems flawed to me:

    It checks the database for the latest comment from your IP or e-mail address and then compares the timestamp to the current time.

    If that’s true (and that’s what it looks like the code in comment.php does to me) than ANY two users that submit comments within the time period would trigger the error IF they BOTH were to leave the EMAIL field blank, no?

    The only reason I’m looking at this is that I think I just got bit by it on my own blog – where I submitted a comment and got flagged with the ‘too quickly’ error, but hadn’t submitted an earlier comment. But another user had submitted a comment just a second or two earlier…

    Just asking the question. Maybe I misunderstand the check, but if it uses IP address OR email address, it seems to me that two quick comments, both with blank email fields, would be flagged as being too close together, no matter where they came from.

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